/ / Osteoarthritis: what is it, and how to treat it?

Osteoarthritis: what is it, and how to treat it?

Osteoarthritis (what is it - find out later)is considered a disease of athletes and pianists. As a rule, those who suffer from heavy stress on the joints are exposed to this disease, working sitting or standing. Statistics argue that arthrosis of the joints at the age of sixty years suffers every second. The reason for this is partly that the prevention of arthrosis is not popular, despite the fact that it is available to everyone. Men suffer from this disease more often than women. If you do not get treatment in time, you can end up in a wheelchair by the end of your life. Timely prevention is not only able to reduce the likelihood of occurrence, but even prevent arthrosis. What it is? Let's figure it out.

arthrosis what it is

What is arthrosis?

With this disease there is a gradualdestruction of the cartilaginous layer in the joint or between the vertebrae. Characteristic is the appearance of a crunch, which is the result of the friction of bones against each other. The degree of arthrosis depends on how loud this crunch will be, whether there are any painful sensations in the joints, whether the patient can move them at all. Most common arthrosis of the knee and hip joint. Hands suffer less often, since the burden on them in everyday life is less. The degree of arthrosis depends on the state of the affected area - how much the bones really suffered due to depletion of the cartilaginous tissue. There are four degrees of arthrosis.


The main symptom is pain in the joints under the load, which ceases only at rest. The mobility of the joint decreases, there is a feeling of muscle tension, a crunch.

degree of arthrosis
The joint can periodically swell, and eventually- Deform. However, it should be understood that pain does not always arise first. Very often, everything starts with a crunch when moving or flexing. Many do not attach importance to this, but in vain. If you have at least one symptom that can indicate arthrosis, you should immediately consult a doctor.


It all depends on the extent to whichArthrosis (what is it - the degree of arthrosis - see above). Doctors, as a rule, do not limit themselves to medical treatment alone - this disease requires an integrated approach.

arthrosis of the knee
The first thing that needs attention is pain syndrome,because most people turn for help when they can not stand the pain. Then it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in the joint and energize the cartilaginous tissue. But the mentioned complex approach implies not only the use of drugs, but also physiotherapeutic measures: exercise therapy, massage, warming, laser therapy, etc.

Can I prevent arthrosis?

What it is and how it occurs, we already know -now it is necessary to find out how much to really prevent the onset of the disease. As we have already said, the prevention of arthrosis is available to all. First of all, this is moderate physical activity, which does not cause joint and injury pain, proper diet and constant intake of necessary vitamins and microelements into the body. Excess weight also contributes to the development of the disease. It is important to understand that arthrosis is a chronic disease, so adherence to diet, activity and maintenance of the balance of nutrients in the body should become your constant companions. Take care of yourself and be well!

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