/ / Types of poisoning and what to take in case of poisoning.

Types of poisoning and what to take in case of poisoning.

What to take in case of poisoning?This question has arisen at least once in the life of every person. You should know that poisoning can occur when eating substandard products contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms (food poisoning), when toxic substances are inhaled through inhalation (inhalation poisoning), administration of drugs (injection poisoning), ingestion of toxic substances, alcohol substitutes, for insect bites or snakes. What to take in case of poisoning and what urgent measures need to be carried out depends primarily on the cause of the poisoning.

The most common food poisoning,that occur when eating foods that contain pathogens or toxins. Unlike infectious diseases with a similar clinical picture, transmission of an infectious agent to another person does not occur. Bacterial pathogen are Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella. Bacterium is usually a person. It can be a chronic carrier of bacteria in the intestine, nasopharynx, or the pathogen is localized on the skin, for example, for pustular diseases. The transmission path may be different, it depends on the location of the pathogen in the body. Staphylococcus seed food products. If animals are the carriers of staphylococcus or salmonella, then milk, meat, eggs are infected.

For foodborne diseases characterized by shortthe incubation period and the manifestations of the disease begin within hours in hours after the microorganism has entered the human body. Characteristic manifestations are nausea, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, fever, general intoxication. Improvement of the condition occurs in 1-2 days. Food poisoning can be of chemical etiology if plant or animal poisons are ingested with food.

Распространены отравления в быту, при случайном or erroneous use of household poisons, insecticides, drugs, surrogate alcohol. Child poisoning is extremely dangerous when children, attracted by the bright packaging, swallow drugs.

Diagnosis of acute poisoning should beaims to establish the etiological factor that led to the poisoning. If possible, you need to properly interview the patient, inspect the scene. It is important to identify and evaluate the clinical manifestations characteristic of the effects on the body of a toxin. Laboratory diagnostics is aimed at identifying toxins in the body’s environments.

What to take in case of poisoning?
When poisoning by toxins taken orally,a mandatory procedure is gastric lavage with a probe. In severe forms, gastric lavage on the first day is carried out several times. After washing, the patient should be given a laxative drug. At home, before the arrival of the doctor, you can independently induce vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue. The induction of vomiting is contraindicated in case of poisoning with cauterizing substances, because of their possible aspiration. If poisoning occurs with cauterizing liquids, the stomach is washed with small portions of cool water. In case of poisoning with acids, neutralization with their alkali is ineffective. The patient should be given a solution of almagel or vegetable oil. Apply activated carbon or polysorb to absorb toxins.

In case of poisonous substances on the skinrinse immediately with running water. Acids are neutralized with alkaline solutions (sodium bicarbonate), alkalis - with acid solutions (a weak solution of acetic acid).

If the poisoning occurs by inhalation, the victim must be immediately removed from the affected area, provided with fresh air, and free of any embarrassing clothing.

With the introduction of drugs inTo a toxic dose or insect or snake bites, a cold is applied locally, and 1.0 ml of adrenaline solution is injected at the injection site or bite. Overlapping harness is contraindicated.

What to take with food poisoning?
In case of food poisoning for the purpose of absorptiontoxins, you should take activated carbon or any other sorbent (Polysorb, polyphepan). With repeated vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration occurs. In order to compensate for the loss of liquids and salts, it is necessary to take rehydron or other salt solutions. In stationary conditions, the fluid and electrolytes are replenished by intravenous injection of saline solutions. In more severe cases, antibiotics may be required. Assign digestive enzymes: pancreatin, mezim, panzinorm. For diarrhea, imodium is used.

Have first aid skills and know whattake in case of poisoning, should everyone. But in any situation, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid serious complications and long-term consequences. In spite of everything, only the doctor knows the specific antidotes of toxic substances, and he will tell you which medicines to take in case of poisoning.

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