/ How to measure the length of the legs? We'll find out!

How to measure the length of the legs? We'll find out!

The longer the legs, the more attractive the woman looks in the eyes of men - many representatives of the "weak" sex believe.

How to measure the length of the legs?The answer to this question is trying to find hundreds of thousands of women around the world, regardless of nationality and age. Does the length of the legs depend solely on growth? Is a woman of average height can not boast of long legs? Now we'll figure it out.

how to measure the length of the legs
The growth of a woman, of course, can dictate the length of the legs, but the main thing is the proportions. Measuring the length of the legs and boast the results can any. There are three types of female physique:

  • Thin-bone type of build. Most often representatives of this type are distinguished by long legs, arms and neck, bones are thin.
  • Normal body type. Representatives of this type have proportional body dimensions.
  • Widescreen body type. Representatives of this type of physique have broad bones, broad shoulders and hips, and most often short legs.

How to measure the length of legs in women of each body type?

At once we pay attention to the fact that technologyThe measurement does not depend on the type of physique. However, we usually call a beautiful and proportional figure, whose length of the legs is more than 50% of the growth of a woman to the following values:

how to measure the length of the legs

  • in thin-skinned women within 8 centimeters;
  • in the representatives of a normal body - 5 centimeters;
  • in broad-bone - 2 centimeters.

So, how to measure the length of the legs?It is necessary to undress (so the results will be more accurate) and stand in front of the mirror, keeping your back straight. For measurements, you need a centimeter tape. In order for the results to be most accurate, it is advisable not to conduct the procedure yourself, but to ask someone to help (mom, aunt, girlfriend, sister - it does not matter).

Methods of measurement

How to measure the length of the legs?Begin from the protruding part of the hip bone to the floor, that is, on the outside of the thigh from the waist to the foot. Stand at the same time on a flat surface to avoid errors.

how to measure the length of the legs photo

If you still have to conduct this case insingle, then you can drive a centimeter tape not from the top down (as mentioned above), but on the contrary, from the bottom up, stepping on it with your foot. In this case, the back should be kept all the same smoothly. For the objectivity of the data obtained, both legs can be measured.

A little arithmetic:with an increase of 165 cm (average) in a girl with a normal physique, the legs, whose length is 82-86 cm, will be considered ideal. With a thin-skinned body type with the same height, from 90 cm to 92 cm, and with a broad-bodied type - from 83 cm to 84.5 See the results above these values, we can say that the girl has long legs, and at smaller ones - short. But do not take these figures too seriously. After all, in order to visually increase, reduce or simply make your body proportional (in particular, legs), you can use the following techniques:

  • correctly choose the length of clothing (for example, trousers should be 2 cm longer);
  • correctly choose the height of the heel (with short legs choose the heel above, with the long ones below).


Thus you can hide the imperfections of the figure and look in the eyes of others (especially men) irresistibly!

Now you know how to measure the length of the legs, photos of this procedure for greater clarity are provided in our article.

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