/ / The drug "Spazgan". Instructions

The drug "Spazgan". Instructions

"Спазган" инструкция относит к препаратам combined type, to the group of antispasmodic and analgesic agents. Active components: metamizole sodium (analgesic non-narcotic), hydrochloride pituopenone (myotropic antispasmodic), fenpiverinia bromide (anticholinergic).

The latter due to anticholinergic propertiesacts additionally relaxing on smooth muscles in various organs. Pitophenone hydrochloride, like papaverine, has a direct myotropic effect on smooth muscles. Metamizole sodium, being a derivative of pyrazolone, has antipyretic, analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effects. Due to a combination of these components, their pharmacological properties are enhanced, which is expressed in the reduction of pain, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, and a decrease in the elevated temperature.

"Spazgan". Instructions. Indications.

Препарат применяют при умеренно или слабо the expressed painful syndrome accompanying spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs. These conditions include intestinal, biliary, renal colic, dysmenorrhea and others. "Spazgan" instruction allows for the use for short therapy of neuralgia, tenderness in the joints, myalgia, isalgia. In the postoperative period and after diagnostic procedures, a drug can be prescribed in the complex to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. If necessary, the medication is used for infectious inflammatory pathologies of a different nature to reduce the elevated body temperature.

"Spazgan". Instructions for use.

The drug is prescribed inside.Patients with fifteen years (adolescents and adults) are prescribed one or two tablets per day twice or thrice. Not more than six tablets are allowed per day. No more than five days - duration of application. Patients from the age of twelve are recommended by half a tablet, from thirteen to fifteen - by a tablet two or three times a day.

Contraindicated drug in disordersrenal and hepatic function, individual intolerance, tachyarrhythmia, congenital insufficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Not appointed "Spazgan" with gastrointestinal obstruction, hypertrophy of the prostate with a tendency to delay urine. The drug is contraindicated in blood diseases, collapsoid conditions, children under twelve years old (for tablet form), "Spazgan" during pregnancy (in the last six weeks, as well as in the first trimester) is also contraindicated. The drug is not recommended for lactation.

Taking medication can cause a drop in blood pressure,cyanosis, dizziness, tachycardia. Prolonged use provokes disorders on the part of hematopoiesis (agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia). Some patients report allergic reactions in the form of itching, rash in rare cases - anaphylactic shock. "Spazgan" can cause an attack with a tendency to bronchospasm. In extremely rare cases, there is headache, dryness in the oral cavity, burning in the epigastrium.

"Spazgan" with caution prescribed for disorders of kidney and liver. Metabolites (decay products) of sodium metomizole can stain urine red.

Combined application of NSAIDs and "Spazgan" cancause mutual enhancement of the toxicity of funds. Oral contraceptives, tricyclic antidepressants and allopurinol disrupt metabolism in the liver of metamizole, increasing its toxicity. The weakening of the effect of this component is noted when taking phenylbutazone, barbitua, other inducers of microsomal hepatic enzymes. Tranquilizers, sedatives increase the severity of the analgesic effect.

As a rule, take "Spazgan" from a headache. According to consumers, the drug acts quickly and effectively.

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