Fair preparation for blood donation for biochemical analysis is an opportunity to get the most reliable result. Contraindications to this type of research is not revealed.
How to take the analysis, the algorithm of action
Biochemical blood test is taken medicallaboratory worker in health care facilities. Analysis requires venous blood from the cubital vein. The patient sits on a chair or couch, the arm above the elbow is clamped with a special rubber or plastic band.
The puncture site is disinfected and the needle is inserted into the vein.Collect the required amount of blood in the tube. The puncture site is disinfected again. The patient is recommended to hold the arm in a bent state at the elbow for several minutes. Manipulation lasts about two minutes. From laboratory tests will depend on the time of research. The results of the usual biochemical analysis are ready the next day.
Some features of the preparatory stage
The rules of preparation for the biochemical analysis of blood depends on what parameters the doctor has written directions:
- Lipid spectrum and cholesterol.Blood sampling is carried out only after 14 hours of hunger. For 15 days in consultation with the attending doctor exclude medications that affect lipid metabolism. If it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of drug therapy, the drugs do not cancel.
- Urea.For two days, it is advisable to stick to a certain diet: eliminate by-products (kidneys, liver), minimize the intake of meat, fish products, tea and coffee. Physical activity should be moderate.
- Uric acid.A couple of days before the study, follow the recommendations in the previous paragraph. In addition, the following medications are subject to mandatory exclusion: antibacterial and sulfa drugs, salicylates, caffeine, vitamin C, thiazole derivatives, theobromine and theophylline.
- Alfa-2-macroglobulin. Before a blood test for this indicator, meat products should be discarded for three days.
- Hormone affecting growth factors orAntimulant hormone, glycoprotein or inhibin B. These hormones are analyzed between the third and fifth day of menstruation. Three days before the analysis is not recommended exercise. An hour before the study to exclude smoking. During diseases, especially in the acute phase, it is better not to take the analysis.
- In preparation for the biochemical analysis of blood forACTH hormones, cortisol, is supposed to exclude alcohol-containing drinks, exercise, smoking, stressful situations, taking contraceptive drugs, estrogens and glucocorticoids. The best time to get reliable and informative results is no later than two hours after a night's sleep and no later than 10 am.
- Bilirubin. On the eve of the study do not consume vitamin C and products that can stain the blood serum.
- Sex hormones. The exact time of taking blood for this type of hormones is indicated by the gynecologist depending on the physiological state of the woman (menopause, pregnancy, menstruation).
- Анализ на выявление инфекционных болезней может be and false positive. To exclude doubt, the study is prescribed again. For diagnostic purposes, the analysis is carried out before the start of treatment with antibiotics. To assess the effectiveness of therapy, blood is taken not earlier than 14 days after completion of the course of treatment.
Allergy Analysis
For the diagnosis of allergic reactions requires special preparation for blood sampling for biochemical analysis:
- for 2 days completely exclude alcohol, drugs (in coordination with the doctor), biologically active substances, including vitamins;
- the study is not carried out in cases of treatment with cytostatics, hormones and radiation therapy, since in this case the synthesis of immunoglobulin is inhibited;
- for reliability and exclusion of false-positive results, it is necessary not to take anti-allergy drugs for 7 days prior to the test;
- research is carried out on an empty stomach.
Of the contraindications should be noted: the acute period of the disease, menstruation, antibiotic therapy.
Food intake
Preparation of the patient for biochemical blood analysis includes the elimination of food intake before manipulation. Nutrients absorbed in the intestines after eating:
- change the concentration of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, hormones and other substances;
- activate the work of enzymes;
- increase or decrease blood viscosity.
As a result, the results of blood tests will be unreliable.
The ideal is the analysis in the morning after a night's sleep - on an empty stomach. If there are certain difficulties to fulfill this rule, then it is necessary to adhere to the following points:
- for two days, do not eat fried foods;
- 24 hours to exclude the use of caffeinated beverages;
- dinner should be light on the day before the test;
- at least 4 hours before the test, do not eat fatty foods, since a high concentration of fatty substances in the blood distorts the result;
- Do not consume carbonated, dairy (lactic acid) and coloring drinks, juices. Water has a slight effect on the final result, but it is better to refrain from taking it;
- Do not take a biochemical blood test after a heavy consumption of food (feast).
Preparation for biochemical analysis of blood: taking medication
The effect of many drugs onThe results of laboratory studies, including biochemical analysis of blood, have been studied in detail. However, it is impossible to predict in advance how the result of research will change, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular individual and the presence of chronic diseases.
In order for the doctor to manage correctlyto interpret the results obtained in the laboratory, the health worker should be warned about the drugs taken. It is advisable to discuss with the doctor in advance the possibility to stop taking certain medications for a while.
Emotional state and exercise
Preparation for biochemical analysis of bloodan adult person depends on his / her emotional attitude, since any stressful situation affects the human body. Under stress, the sympathoadrenal component of the neurohumoral regulation system is activated, which, in turn, leads to an increased production of hormones and enzymes, leading to a change in the activity of the internal organs of the individual. The whole complex of these processes affects the results of analyzes.
Exercise also activates internalbody systems, especially hormonal and enzyme systems, and, as a result, the number of biologically active substances in the circulatory system increases, the metabolism is intensified, and the internal organs are more active. To maximize the influence of the above factors in preparation for the biochemical analysis of blood is desirable:
- to exclude any physical activities and sports;
- to keep the emotional background in a state of balance: not to allow a strong explosion of emotions;
- Immediately before the manipulation is recommended to sit quietly and relax.
Bad habits
Alcoholic beverages affect all processesoccurring in the body of the individual. The decay products of alcohol-containing beverages adversely affect the work of the enzyme systems of the body, affect the water-salt metabolism and cellular respiration. Smoking affects the tone of the vascular system, enhances the work of the nervous system, increases the concentration of hormonal substances.
All these processes lead to significant changes in blood biochemical parameters. In order to reduce the harmful effects in preparation for the biochemical analysis of blood is recommended:
- 30–60 minutes before the test, do not smoke;
- 72 hours - to exclude the use of alcohol-containing beverages.
Female physiology
Физиологическое состояние женщины в течение month subject to change. A biochemical blood test for an indicator such as hormones (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, androstenedione, and others) is recommended to be given on a specific day of menstruation or the duration of pregnancy. This is due to a significant change in the concentration of both sex hormones and their metabolites.
Беременность также оказывает влияние на конечные research results, since during this period hormonal alteration of the body occurs, and depending on the duration of pregnancy, the concentration of a number of substances in the body also changes: proteins, enzymes, hormones and others. How to take a biochemical blood test? Preparation for it is determined by the gynecologist individually for each woman.
Times of Day
There are some types of biochemicalindicators, the value of which depends on the time of day, for example, specific markers of metabolism in bone tissue. If the doctor prescribes this analysis for the purpose of monitoring, then it should be taken at the same time.
With proper preparation for a blood test for biochemical research, the result will be as accurate as possible and will allow the doctor to diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.