/ / Products lower pressure! A note on hypertension

Products lower the pressure! A note on hypertension

Hypertension is considered a scourge of the 21st century, sinceToday there is a large number of people suffering from this disease. Some products lower the pressure and help in the fight against this ailment. Any person who maintains a healthy lifestyle, it is important to develop for themselves a certain type of diet. This is especially true of hypertensive patients. Foods that reduce pressure, can bring great benefits. In addition to their direct action, these products can increase the effectiveness of prescription drugs and improve the patient's well-being.

products lower the pressure

Drink, children, milk - will be healthy

So, what can be called the products that lowerpressure? The list of them is quite extensive. First of all, these are products with a fairly high content of calcium. The favorite among them is skim milk.

products that lower the pressure list
It contributes not only to lowering the pressure, butand helps not to acquire excess weight, which can only exacerbate the situation in the presence of hypertension. Calcium in elevated doses can be contained in cheese, sour cream, almonds, sardines and green vegetables. In addition, the products lower the pressure if they contain well-known magnesium. This apple, grapefruit and cereals.

Do not forget about garlic

Potassium for those suffering from hypertension is simply necessary.The largest amount can be found in bananas, watermelons and baked potatoes, dried apricots, tuna and tomatoes. But the best opponent of increased blood pressure is garlic, which can expand the blood vessels. In the presence of the disease, it is recommended to use about 1-2 cloves of garlic a day. No less useful is the chokeberry, which is eaten in small quantities every day. Do not abuse it, because it can provoke constipation.

Hit the oranges with hypertension

Products lower the pressure if they containVitamin C. A well-known and beloved vitamin can help a weakened heart. These products include green tea, a variety of citrus fruits, honey, dog rose. But it is worth remembering that green tea is able to lower the pressure only when it is hot, in the cold form it has absolutely inverse properties.

My favorite doctor is vegetables and fruits

Fruit-doctors - grapes, strawberries, viburnum,peaches with apricots. Broccoli, if properly prepared, can also help in solving the problem. It is not necessary to boil the product, it will be enough to drop it into boiling water for 5 minutes. Dandelion leaves, added to salads or used dry in the form of seasonings, also help reduce pressure. Tea, brewed with apples and currants, jam with the use of mountain ash, potatoes in uniform, used with skin - all this helps with the disease.

foodstuffs reducing pressure

Assistants under increased pressure can alsobe carrots, pumpkin, lettuce, eggplant and beetroot, white cabbage. Do not forget about a variety of porridge (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat). Vegetarian soups (with vegetables, dairy and fruit) are very useful. Do not forget to use the leaves of laurel, dill and parsley as spices. Meat and fish should be low-fat varieties and cooked by boiling, quenching or steaming.

As we see, many products lower the pressure.They are completely accessible for daily use. Their big plus, unlike medicines, is the absence of side effects. But all the same the best way out in the fight against hypertension will be to observe a healthy diet and use prescribed medications.

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