One of the most common diseasesmodernity - this is increased pressure. It is now found not only in the elderly, young people also suffer from this ailment. Increased pressure is very unpleasant, painful and can lead to a stroke. But there is not always an opportunity to be treated with medicines, and not all of them are suitable, having many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, the question of how quickly to lower the pressure in the home, interests many.
The massage of the neck, neck andupper chest. You can also attach a needle applicator to the collar zone and press it down with a pillow. Sit like this for 15 minutes, and you will feel better. To calm down and relax, try meditation or breathing exercises.
How quickly to lower pressure at home in other ways? You can take a garlic foot bath or a contrast shower.
You can reduce the pressure by using the correctpower supply. It is necessary to refuse from fatty, fried and salted food, alcohol, chocolate and confectionery. Instead of coffee and black tea, it is better to drink decoctions of dogrose and fennel seeds. Juices of vegetables, especially beets, cabbage and radishes are also useful. And to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, drink green tea more often, eat apples, berries of viburnum and cranberries. Useful baked potatoes, olive and linseed oil.
Nutrition hypertension should mainly consist ofvegetables, fruits and dairy products. Limit the consumption of meat and animal fats, by this you lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and normalize the pressure. Try as much as possible to consume such foods: garlic, onion, beetroot, celery, ginger and pepper. Many of the prescriptions for hypertension include honey. You can eat it just like that, add it to tea or mix it with juices of berries and vegetables.
The means, which lower the pressure, can be found inpharmacies. Good tincture of valerian, hawthorn or motherwort helps. It is recommended to mix them, add a little "Valocordina" and take this mixture under stress and a headache on a teaspoonful. Buy also herbs that lower blood pressure. Some of them you can drink instead of tea. For example, valerian, motherwort, mint and calendula. Others take as medicines 2-3 times a day: swamp waders, shepherd's bag or clover meadow.
People who want to normalize the pressure,should regularly engage in sports, even if just walking. It would be nice to study special gymnastics or do yoga exercises. It is necessary to go to bed on time and sleep, and to avoid unrest and stress. Now you know how to quickly lower the pressure at home. Be healthy.