Тестирование восьми биологически активных additives, created on the basis of fish oil, from various domestic and foreign producers for the maintenance of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in them caused various opinions and reviews. Fish oil "Biocontour" domestic company of the same name and IndianADI "Adzhivita" showed the highest concentration of the main components, but there was no information on this on the packaging. In the instruction, this figure was indicated - 31.6% of daily intake of PUFA Omega-3.
A little behind the leaders of the Hungarian "Biogal"containing 28% of valuable acids, as well as the preparation ProBio Nutrasyuticals AS (Norway) with an omega-3 concentration of 27.7% .The domestic dietary supplements showed themselves as an outsider: "Amber Drop" (OOO Eco Plus), " Polarin (Polaris), Pollineks (Del Rios LLC) and Omeganol (VIS LLC), the concentration of Omega-3 PUFAs in which it barely reached the lower limit or was reduced by 2.5-4 What is still good about the fish oil produced by the Biocontour company?
The manufacturer of the product, BioContour, explainedpharmacological properties of fish oil by the action of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances enter the structure of cell membranes and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, the triglycerides content by reducing the concentration of low density lipoproteins, aggregation of platelets, and also improve the structure and viscosity of the blood. Who is shown the dietary supplement of the company "Biocontour" (fish oil)? The instruction recommends taking capsules with a food supplement for preventive purposes to prevent lipid metabolism (dyslipidemia) disturbance, in complex therapy of such conditions, for preventing atherosclerosis, and also as an effective stimulant of the immune system.
Кроме того, Омега-3 жирные кислоты показаны для women, because they have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, reduce menstrual pains, smooth out bursts in the hormonal sphere. They are known for their beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the skin, hair and nails. From contra-indications in the annotation to the preparation containing cod-liver oil ("Biocontour"), the following are indicated: periods of exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other gastrointestinal problems (including infectious diseases); serious injuries and surgical operations (due to the risk of increased bleeding); pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, fish oil is incompatible with fibrate drugs (reducing cholesterol) and anticoagulants (reducing the risk of thrombosis). Abstain from taking this drug should also be people with individual intolerance to its components.
Most of the buyers of this dietary supplements on the forums,discussing fish or fish oil, characterize them as accessible, useful and quality products. What are they different from each other? Fish oil is produced from the liver of marine vertebrates, while the fish product is derived from their carcasses. In the product, produced from the liver, the content of vitamins A and D is high, while in fish the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 is higher.
In pharmacies and on the Internet very often these two names are confused, not seeing the difference in them, so buyers need to pay attention to the packaging themselves.
Compared with how our grandmothers and momspainfully watered their children with fish oil from spoons, the modern process of taking the drug looks more attractive. To drink several convenient capsules with useful contents is much easier and more pleasant. Therefore, very often the drug can be found recommending reviews. Fish oil (Biocontour) is popular with many for its affordability, since its price is low. At the same time, buyers note that the shelf life of the drug is small, therefore, the product is natural. Beautiful capsules with sunny, amber content should be taken 5 times three times a day during or immediately after meals. Impressions on the results are good: the state of health has improved, the metabolic processes in the body have accelerated, the brain activity has increased, the nervous system has normalized, osteoporosis has ceased to excruciate, there have been fewer pains in PMS, skin also looks better, hair and nails grow well.
Most of the claims made to the drug"Fish oil" of the company "Biocontour" refers to its packaging. The cellophane bag is often torn at autopsy, which leads to the dispersion of the capsules. After that, the "gelatinous containers" become unhygienic. The inscriptions on the cardboard packaging are made in very small red font on a black background, it is extremely inconvenient to read them even with a magnifying glass. The number of capsules in a bag is 100 pieces. Taking them 15 capsules per day for a month, 450 courses can be taken for a course, which, as a result of purchasing 5 dietary supplements, will lead to their surplus. In addition, rare reviews of fish oil, "Biocontour" produced, are advised not to buy due to emerging side effects that can be expressed by allergic reactions, decreased blood clotting, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis, diarrhea, fishy smell from the mouth. Most users recommend not taking the drug before meals, as it provokes unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract (belching, intestinal spasms, diarrhea).
Fish fat:20% of omega-3 eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids, - with such a concentration of the main components, dietary supplements with various marine and vegetable additives are produced. This oil is dogrose, sea buckthorn, kelp, hawthorn, valerian and motherwort, anise, mint, dill and eucalyptus, milk thistle, chamomile, St. John's wort and marigold, blueberry, wheat germ and sea buckthorn. In addition, the same concentration of Omega-3 contains fish oil "Halal" and a drug with a liquid consistency, sold in a bottle with a measuring spoon.
Admirable reviews of fish oil, "Biocontour" made with various additives, collects everywhere: from the common cold, as a sedative, as a rejuvenating and cleansing drug.
Children's drug based on Omega-3polyunsaturated fatty acids is produced by Biocontour company of two types: 100 capsules with lemon flavor packed in a cellophane bag and cardboard box, and 120 different capsules with citrus-orange, lemon and grapefruit tastes, placed in a transparent plastic jar.
The company "Biocontour" fish oil for children producesin small capsules of 0.4 g, which are taken at 8 pieces per day. At the age from three to fourteen years, children and adolescents receive from 75 to 94% of the daily dose of Omega-3 PUFAs. Assign a drug course in 30 days, which can be repeated 3-4 times a year. These nutritional supplements are taken with pleasure by the kids, since oily fish taste is not heard, and color design attracts inquisitive kids.