/ / Symptoms of hypertension - an occasion for immediate medical attention!

Symptoms of hypertension - an occasion for immediate medical attention!

Hypertension is a serious illness thatis characterized by a neuro-functional vascular disturbance. Most often it occurs in people after 40 years, but recently, high blood pressure becomes the prerogative of young people. Symptoms of hypertension are found in both men and women, this disease is one of the causes of death in people with cardiovascular diseases.

The main causes of high pressure

The main causes of hypertension onthe early stages are often referred to as stress, in other words, these are excessive neuropsychiatric loads, prolonged emotional stress. The probability of increasing the pressure in people who have suffered a concussion, is much higher than the rest. Symptoms of hypertension are often found in elderly people, and the reason for this - the usual hypodynamia. Heredity also plays an important role, if parents experience pressure surges, it is possible that such symptoms occur in children. Women are more likely to have hypertension in the menopause. During this period, it is desirable to stop smoking, alcohol, avoid eating salt and fatty foods, since all these aspects create an increased burden on the cardiovascular system.

The main symptoms of hypertension

During an increase in pressure in the bodythere is a spasm of cerebral vessels. The main symptoms of hypertension in this case are headache, flies before the eyes, tinnitus, sleep disturbance, dizziness, general weakness, severe palpitations, a feeling of heaviness in the head. These are signs of an early stage of the disease and most often they are neurotic in nature. At later stages of hypertension, cardiovascular failure, decreased vision, paralysis, cerebral ischemia, hemorrhage and thrombosis occur.

Hypertensive crisis - one of the varieties of hypertension

If the pressure is not controlled, thenthe above symptoms are added nausea, vomiting, decreased vision, flies and points in front of the eyes, increased sweating. This condition is called a hypertensive crisis, it can last from several minutes to several hours. In this state, a person is often whiny, capricious, complains of a violent palpitation, his body becomes covered with red spots. During an attack, there may be loose stools and frequent urination. The hypertensive crisis most often occurs after emotional overstrain in the evening or at night. This condition is especially characteristic for women in the climacteric period. There is another type of hypertensive crisis, it often happens in the later stages of hypertension and can last from four to five hours. This occurs against a background of a strong pressure jump and is accompanied by cerebral symptoms, heart pain, speech impairment, numbness of the extremities.

Hypertension in pregnant women

Unfortunately, there are many reasons thatmay be the cause of increased pressure at a young age. One such aspect is the period of pregnancy, at which point the condition of the expectant mother provokes an increase in blood pressure. This is due to the fact that with the growth of the fetus the body's blood volume increases, the heart starts to work with overloads, and its rhythm increases. As a result, intra-abdominal pressure occurs, which presses on the vessels and arterial hypertension arises. If the pressure of a pregnant woman does not exceed the figure of 140/90, she will simply be under the supervision of a doctor. If the figures rise higher, the diagnosis of "hypertension in pregnancy" will be exposed. It should be noted that increased pressure in this period may adversely affect both the health of the mother and the health of the child.

Symptoms of hypertension is an unfavorable sign, so when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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