/ / pain in the scrotum

pain in the scrotum

If you have pain in the scrotum, then you needmore scrupulously monitor the health. Many people do not care at all to take seriously the symptoms of various diseases, but they can be a small bell, announcing that you have a life-threatening illness. There are a lot of symptoms, but they do not show themselves at all, but when they do manifest themselves, it turns out that it's too late to do anything.

A scrotum is called a small sac of leather,inside which are located testicles and appendages with the lower section of the spermatic cord of a man. Pain in the scrotum, perhaps, can be called one of the most unpleasant sensations in the life of individuals of the male sex. She is capable to drive mad, even if does not serve as a threat to health. Men, though strong in life, can not tolerate it.

Strangely enough, but the pain in the scrotum is one of thethe main reasons for visiting a urologist-andrologist. To determine what causes pain is very difficult, since such a pain syndrome is found in a large number of diseases, such as chronic prostatitis, trauma and testicular tumor, inflammatory diseases of the epididymis and testis, inguinal hernia, spermatoceles, varicocele, testicular torsion and many others. This list can be continued indefinitely. There are even cases when chronic pain after treatment has not gone away, and this is observed in almost 25% of patients who turned to the doctor. So what is the cause of such a phenomenon as the pain in the eggs in men? Let's sort it out in order.

Injury of scrotum and testis

Very often the occurrence of pain is associated with traumascrotum and testicles. Did you faint from the pain after hitting the testicles? This is the reason for an urgent call to the doctor, otherwise it threatens you at best with a testicle loss, and at worst infertility. Jokes are jokes, but the medical care that will be provided to you is much more effective than the suffering that causes pain in the scrotum.

Testicular torsion

If the pain in the scrotum appears without anyvisible causes and effects, then surely you have a twist of the testicle. This happens when the testicle changes its location, while the spermatic cord, on which it hangs, is twisted by 360 degrees, in the testicle, blood circulation stops, and the vas deferens is squeezed. Urgent medical care must necessarily help, it will be just a treatment, or surgery. If timely help was not obtained, then the severe consequences are irreversible - the testicle will simply wither away. The cause of this disease doctors believe is a reduction in local musculature.


Epididymitis is a disease of inflammation of the epididymis.Also causes unbearable pain in the scrotum. But unlike the aforementioned diseases, it can be determined by yourself. For this, a man needs to touch his testicles and determine which of them is more and causes pain. It should also be remembered that usually there is either pain in the right egg or in the left one. Pain occurs on an increasing basis, for three days. Epididymitis also has symptoms such as burning, spontaneous urination and fever. If you do not go to the doctor if you suspect this disease, it will lead to impotence and infertility, so it's better not to joke with this inflammation.


Varicocele also causes severe pain in the scrotum.But the pain in this case is quite rare. They appear when the bowels are under great pressure from the bowels that have fallen. With inguinal hernia, the pain has a gradually increasing character.

Symptoms requiring a doctor

First, be sure to go to the doctor if you aretouch the testicles and feel pain, it does not matter, one testicle hurts you or two. Secondly, if you notice an increase in one of the testicles, as well as a change in its shape and the appearance of softness. If the pain in the scrotum appears suddenly. If, together with the pain, you have nausea, vomiting and fever. If for some reason your scrotum is injured, or if you feel when you feel it, the testicle has become convex and tuberous, which was not the case before.

Be that as it may, if you are experiencing pain, then be sure to contact your doctor and do not self-medicate.

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