/ / Trichomoniasis in men, what is the danger

Trichomoniasis in men, what is the danger

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is an infection of thegroup of STDs and occurs in both sexes, although the clinical picture is more pronounced in women. Every year, 7.4 billion new cases of infection are registered - these are only registered patients. The disease causes a unicellular parasite of Trichomonas vaginalis. In men, the infection is mainly localized in the urethra (urethra), in women - in the vagina.

Путь передачи – преимущественно половой, но не the infection through personal hygiene products (bast, underwear, towel) is excluded. In 30% of cases, trichomoniasis in men passes in the acute phase, in 70% - asymptomatically or passes into a chronic form. Almost half of the infected men are affected not only by the urethra, but also the prostate gland, bladder, seminal vesicles, Cooper glands, renal pelvis - such serious complications cause this disease.

The main signs of trichomoniasis

Что касается мужчин, то у них редко инфекция occurs with pronounced symptoms. There may be purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, a feeling of burning and itching after sexual contact, pain in the urinary canal and in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the infection rises and can affect the kidneys.

As a rule, trichomoniasis in men is fatalaffects the prostate gland, causing chronic prostatitis (noted in 80% of patients). The man has not been checked for years and he hopes for himself that he is healthy, although at this time he is a carrier of a rather unpleasant and dangerous disease.

Also, the risk of transmissionand HIV infection. When the infection spreads to the urethra urine acquires turbidity, there are frequent urge to urinate, and more rarely urinary incontinence. On the foreskin and the head of the penis may appear a red rash in the form of dots.

При скрытой инфекции пациенты жалуются на minor discharge in the morning, puffiness, unpleasant sensations in the perineum, rectum, scrotum, lumbar region. Often such patients are treated for a long time with a neurologist. In 15% of male patients, trichomanad epididymitis occurs. Symptoms: high fever, severe pain in the testicles and scrotum.


Trichomoniasis in men is much more difficult to identify,than in women. For this, laboratory and physical investigations are carried out. The diagnosis itself is not easy, so additional methods of detecting infection are used.

How to treat trichomoniasis?

In an infected person, signs of trichomoniasiscan disappear on their own, but this does not mean that he is healthy - it is required to undergo treatment for both partners in order to avoid re-infection. For the treatment prescribed prescription anti-trichomoniasis preparations for oral administration.

Special ointments can be used to removefeelings of burning and red spots. Women are prescribed candles. During the period of treatment, sexual relations and the use of alcohol must be excluded. In some cases, the result is positive, but this does not exclude re-infection with unprotected sex and a dissolute lifestyle.

How to prevent infection?

The surest way is constant sexualpartner and abstinence from questionable sexual contacts. If you are not sure of your partner, be sure to use contraceptives (condoms, ointments).

If nevertheless you have revealed trichomoniasis - do not pulltime, immediately go to the doctor. Do not let the infection spread to other organs. If trichomoniasis in men is not treated, it threatens not only with prostatitis, but also with infertility. Every man should be regularly (annually) checked by a urologist and be given appropriate tests, including for sexually transmitted infections, if he does not have a permanent sexual partner.

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