/ / "Clindacin B Prolong": instructions for use, reviews

"Clindacin B Prolong": instructions for use, reviews

"Clindacin B Prolong" is very effectivean antifungal therapeutic agent intended for topical administration. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect and is used for the therapy of various gynecological pathologies.

clindacin b prolong

When is the drug used?

This vaginal cream should be used intherapeutic purposes in the presence of vaginosis caused by a fungal or mixed flora that is susceptible to clindamycin.

Specific composition

According to the instructions for use, "Clindacin BProlong "against the fungus contains two active ingredients, which is clindamycin phosphate, as well as butoconazole nitrate. The mass fraction of these components in the preparation is 2.376 mg and 2 g. The auxiliary substances are:

  • cytostearyl alcohol;
  • isopropyl myristate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • water;
  • macrogol cytostearate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • hydroxypropyl dicalcium phosphate;
  • preserving component Euxyl PE 9010.

Also available are candles "Clindacin B Prolong". Instruction for use, enclosed in each package, explains in detail the rules for their use.

clindacin b prolong instructions for use review

Therapeutic characteristics of the agent

Butoconazole is on the list of derivativesimidazole, disastrously affects fungi microsporia, candida, epidermophytum, some grampositive microorganisms and ringworm. The active substances of the preparation show a high bactericidal activity with respect to yeast-like fungi. When ingested tissues they inhibit the formation of ergosterol in the membranes of cells, contributing to the thinning of their walls. Also, lysis of fungal cells is noted. Instructions for use on "Clindacine B Prolong" with 3 or 1 applicator in the kit (depending on the amount of the therapeutic composition) are available in each pack.

The active substance is one of theantibacterial bacteriostatic substances included in the group of lincosamides. Has a very wide range of effects, is active in relation to fusobacteria, gram-positive cocci, corynebacteria, streptococci, anaerobes, mycoplasmas, clostridia, gram-positive microaerophilic cocci, actinomycete, propionic acid bacteria, bacteroides.

Some strains of clostridia differsensitivity to clindomycin, but a number of them are resistant to antibiotic bacteriostatic type. For this reason, when the organism is infected with clostridia, an antibioticogram is needed to determine the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora to various drugs. This is confirmed to the "Clindacin B Prolong" instructions for use and radar (drug register).

clindacin b prolong 3 instructions for use

This drug is different fromsimilar preparations in that it has a creamy hydrophilic base, as a result of which it is converted into a gel when heated to body temperature. Thanks to the cream structure, this drug is quickly injected into the vagina. With intravaginal application, the drug is transformed, and its active components are uniformly distributed on the vaginal walls, staying here for a long period - from one to three days, having a curative effect.

Characteristics of the form of the preparation

According to the instructions for use, "Clindacin BProlong "in the form of a cream looks like a whitish or grayish suspension, which has a distinct specific flavor. This antifungal agent is released in flakonchikah, having a volume of six or twenty grams.

clindacin b prolong

Instructions for use

As indicated by the instructions for use,"Clindacin B Prolong" is used intravaginally like antibacterial suppositories, but the method of administration has its own characteristics. For this purpose, the use of a vaginal applicator is required.

clindacin b prolong instruction on application description

It must be injected deep into the vagina inhorizontal position, slowly pressing on the piston, thus there should not be any uncomfortable sensations. It should also be noted that the vaginal applicator is filled with the cream completely only when the piston is in the stopper. After the drug has been injected into the vagina, you need to carefully pull it out and dispose of it. A single dose recommended for use is equal to five grams, which corresponds to the applicator filled to the end. This antifungal cream is administered once a day, and treatment should last for three days. This is confirmed to the "Klindachin B Prolong" instructions for use and feedback.

Features of use in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Only a doctor can decideuse of this drug in this category of patients. It is also possible that a specialist will prescribe another drug with identical effects in the form of candles, in the instruction to which it will be permitted during pregnancy or lactation. This also confirms the instructions for use to "Klindachin B Prolong". The description of the preparation is completed by listing the contraindications to its use.


Excluded the use of ointment in the following cases:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • when the patient's age is less than eighteen years;
  • colitis pseudomembranous;
  • high susceptibility to the drug;
  • Crohn's disease.

klindachin b prolong instruction manual rls

Precautionary measures

Antifungal therapy is prescribed withcaution with the patient's inclination to various allergic manifestations. If, during treatment, irritation of the vaginal mucosa occurs, use it immediately.

If there is no positive dynamics,it is necessary to see a doctor and then conduct another microbiological study. Thanks to laboratory analysis, it is possible to determine who is the causative agent of gynecological pathology.

Do not use the vaginal cream in parallel with other intravaginal drugs.

This points to the "Clindacine B Prolong" instructions for use. Analogs are discussed below.

Side effects

Suppositories with clindamycin in the composition and cream are fairly well tolerated, however in some cases a local reaction may appear:

  • acute itching;
  • pain and spasm in the lower abdomen;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • allergy;
  • burning.

There were no cases of overdose.

clindacin b prolong instruction on the use of analogues


Vaginal preparation "Clindacin B Prolong"(instructions for use are discussed in this material) has such an analog as Dalacin, produced in the United States. Its price ranges from five hundred to one thousand rubles per package. It is also based on clindamycin, considered one of the most effective among other antifungal drugs. It is characterized by antibacterial characteristics that contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process.

"Dalacin" is recommended for therapyarthritis in a purulent form, periodontal abscess, vaginosis, having bacterial origin. This drug is produced in such dosage forms as solution, suppositories, capsules, gel and ointment. Such a variety of forms of output is an indubitable plus. In addition, the gel is used as part of a comprehensive treatment for acne. Dalatsin has a wide range of influences. Among the shortcomings, you can list the release of the drug solely on prescription, the inability to use during pregnancy and breast-feeding.


Reviews about the drug are mainlypositive character. Among its main advantages are the lack of allergy, ease of use, a really tangible effect after the first application. After the course of treatment in the repeated analysis, there is no evidence of disease, which indicates the effectiveness of the cream. In addition, it helps patients suffering from recurrences of bacterial vaginosis. After using a large number of other drugs, many of which were allergic reactions, and the lack of a long-term result from their application, the effect of Clindacin B Prolong exceeded all expectations. He helps already at the initial stage of treatment, but the course must be carried out to the end in order to consolidate his positive influence.

clindacin b prolong

Among the shortcomings, a rather highprice. However, this drug really justifies the money spent. Of course, one must remember that before applying Clindacin B Prolong, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the nature of the inflammation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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