Today in our country is very largethe number of summer residents is growing on their own plot of fruit trees. That they annually bring a good harvest, they need to ensure proper care.
It is believed that the apple variety White pouring cangrow only in the Central and North-Western region. But in fact, the intensive development of amateur gardening made it possible to extend this variety to the territory of the Urals, Altai and Western Siberia.
Apple Tree White poured deserved great love forstable high yields and excellent resistance to frost. This breed is particularly liked by breeders. There are more than 20 varieties of apples of the White filling, including those that belong to the Altai breeding.
What is the difference between the other apple trees and the White pouring?The variety description will largely depend on the climatic zone. These apples are not afraid of low temperatures and are characterized by excellent resistance to frost. On average, the trees reach a height of up to five meters. The crown of a growing tree looks like a pyramid. In adult trees it is round. The young have a smooth bark, and the old ones have a slightly rough bark. The leaves are medium in size, resembling an ellipse in shape. Blossoms apple-tree with white-pink small round inflorescences. Formation of the fruit is carried out on white-peeled corollas. Hanging on the tree apples at the time of maturation may slightly turn pink. Fruits have a rounded shape. The average weight of apples is 150 grams.
As the tree grows older, they may grow smaller.Fruits have a juicy pulp of white color. It is sweet, with a sour taste and a pleasant smell. In the vegetative period, the apple tree enters about five years after the planting process. With a reasonably chosen agrotechnical, there is a great chance of obtaining a sufficiently high yield. One tree per season can give about two hundred pounds of fruit. As the tree grows, the yield gradually decreases. Ripe ripped apples can be stored no longer than three weeks.
Fruits do not tolerate transportation.They may appear brown spots and dents. The pulp becomes loose during prolonged storage. Apples should be processed immediately after harvesting. With regard to resistance to diseases and pests, here the apple-tree sort of White pouring reviews gets only positive. However, this grade is not suitable for commercial gardening. Apples quickly lose marketable appearance and easily deteriorate during transportation. Nevertheless, this is an early specimen, which already in the middle of summer will be able to provide its owners with a crop.
The species in question can not be pollinated on its own. It is recommended to plant next to it apple trees of other varieties, for example Medunitsa, Antonovka, Ottawa and Aromat de Vare.
What is good apple tree variety White filling? Description, photos and recommendations are most often interested in beginning gardeners.
The merits of the variety include:
There are apple varieties and disadvantages in this variety. These include:
So, what do you need to know about this?How to properly care for the apple tree White pouring? The tree will grow in the garden for a long time and give a rich harvest if you take it seriously to planting it. First, you need to choose a quality seedling. Secondly, decide on a place for planting. Try to prepare in advance a groove for a seedling and a dressing for him. Apple in the first three years must ensure proper care.
So, what are the features of growthapple White pouring? The description of the variety will help you to choose the right seedling for your site. Best suited two-year-old seedling, grafted on a regular rootstock. A one-year-old will do. In height, it should reach at least 0.5 m. It is easy to get accustomed and almost saplings with a closed root system are ill.
When buying, try to check whether the tree grewin a pot or was planted there just before selling. Cheating is easy enough. You just need to pull the barrel. If the seedling grew in a pot, then it will not be easy to pull it out. If he was immersed in a container just before selling, then it would be very easy to get it.
Pay attention to the roots.
A healthy root system should be:
The maximum planting period for seedlings with an open root system is two weeks. It is desirable to buy young plants just before planting in the garden.
Let's take a closer look at thisissue. Clay soil is not suitable for White filling. If you find another place is not possible, then just add sand and fertilizer to the soil. This will significantly improve its structure. White pouring badly takes root on acid soil. It is recommended to further deoxidize the soil. Experienced gardeners argue that the White pouring grows best in loam. In such soil, the apple tree can not even be fertilized. In acidic soil, it is recommended to add saltpeter. This will help to significantly reduce acidity. From the landing hole to the fence there should be a distance of approximately 2.5 meters.
When is it better to land the White pouring?The apple tree will be well established if planted in the mid-zone in autumn. In other cases it is permissible to plant the plant in the spring. In the second case, the seedling should be planted until the kidneys on it are dissolved. In autumn it is best to plant a tree at a time when the leaves are falling.
How to approach this process correctly? Whichever period you choose, it is recommended that the planting pit be harvested in the fall.
For this, in the area you have chosen, it is necessary to spread the fertilizer evenly, having the following composition:
After this, it is necessary to dig up the ground together withfertilizers. Dimensions of the pit should be 60x60 cm. The bottom of the hole must be dug up. In the ground removed from the pit, add 2 buckets of humus, 100 grams of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium fertilizers. You can add another 50 grams of ammonium nitrate. The soil, enriched with fertilizers, is poured onto the bottom of the pit by a slide. Everything is ready for planting.
This process should be taken very seriously.How to plant a white filling? The apple tree is unpretentious and easily takes root. It's enough just to place the seedling on a hill and gently spread the roots. The main thing is that the root neck is above the ground level. The pit must be covered with earth, compacted and at the edges a small roller formed. Be sure to pour the seedling, even if it's raining on the day chosen for planting. On each tree it is necessary to allocate not less than three buckets of water. After watering a place around the trunk slightly sprinkled with mulch. For this purpose, humus, peat or manure will perfectly suit. The thickness of the layer should be at least five centimeters. Then it is necessary to tie a seedling to the support, driven into the center of the depression.
What care does the apple tree require?The description, photos and recommendations of experienced gardeners allow us to say that the care of a tree is quite standard. In the first years of life, it is important to properly cut the crown. Young branches, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.5 cm, can be cut with the help of secateurs. The thicker shoots are removed using a hacksaw. This forming pruning helps the growth of new shoots. In addition, it allows to ensure the correct shape of the crown and does not allow thickening. To get a round, you need to cut off branches that grow at an acute angle to the trunk. They need to be removed without leaving any stumps. The cut should be covered with garden varnish. The outgrowths that grow correctly should be shortened to the third kidney.
During the whole period of life apple trees are requiredfertilizer. This particularly applies to depleted land. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers contribute to the growth of the root system and are able to accelerate fruiting. Nutrients can begin to be introduced one year after planting. In the spring, the plant needs to feed urea. It is prepared from the calculation of one bucket of water and two tablespoons of fertilizer per tree. In autumn the plant is fed superphosphate in the same proportions. The tree should be watered from early spring to the end of October. With the formation of ovaries and fruits, the number of irrigation needs to be increased. To exclude rotting roots, the soil in the area near the trunk must be loosened after each irrigation. In the heat, in addition to moistening, the plant requires mulching with humus or dry grass.
What diseases are typical for apple tree Whitefilling? The testimonies of experienced gardeners confirm that most often the plant is affected by scab, powdery mildew, aphids, apple moth, apple blossom, leaf-roll.
Today on sale in flower shopsthere are many drugs for pest and disease control. Great effectiveness is demonstrated by such drugs as Binom, Zodon, Atom, Tod, and Calypso. Young trees are handled fairly easily. But with adults there can be problems.
What problems do gardeners face?which grows the apple tree White pouring? Description and testimonials confirm that the plant most often affects the scab. This fungal disease, the causative agent of which is the marsupial mushroom. The main signs of this ailment are yellow-green spots, which subsequently turn black. With high humidity, caused by frequent fogs and rains, the disease can actively spread through the plant. As a result, there is a loss of leaves, and the fruits lose their aesthetic and taste qualities.
So, what is needed for this? To the apple tree does not suffer from diseases, it is necessary to perform the following procedures:
If these measures were ineffective, thencure the scab will be possible only with the use of fungicides. The first spraying is carried out in March. For this purpose, a bucket of water should take 100 g of copper sulfate. The prepared solution must be treated on all sides of the plant.
Re-processing is carried out afterhow the kidneys begin to unfold. It is best to use such drugs as "Phytolavin", "Horus", "Strobi", "Skor" and "Gamair" in this period. After all the fruits are removed, you can conduct a third treatment with copper sulfate or fungicides.
Many beginning florists are interested in apple treesWhite filling. Description, photo, reviews - all these aspects are in favor of this grade. Despite the short shelf life of the fruit, gardeners love this species. This can be judged from the reviews. Many prefer this variety because of the fact that the first fruits it gives already in mid-July. Even fallen apples are characterized by excellent taste characteristics. Premature shedding of fruits and ovaries can be due to a lack of fertilizers. As for the shortcomings, many people highlight the irregularity of fruiting. An apple tree can not yield a crop every year. Some people do not like the sweet and sour taste of fruits. Since apples are not stored, it is recommended to immediately recycle them, for example, to make juice. Best of all White pouring grows in the Central Chernozem region. However, the variety became widespread in the colder regions. He well tolerates frosts and is not afraid of harsh winters.
What is good apple-tree variety White pouring (description andphotos are presented in this article)? The considered variety is unpretentious, it can grow both in warm regions and in the middle latitude. With proper care, the apple tree will delight you with a rich harvest. One drawback - long fruit tree White can not be stored, they need to be processed immediately. With regard to mandatory procedures, the tree requires regular watering and fertilizer.
What pests and ailments the apple tree is exposed toWhite filling? Photos of sick plants will help you understand the type of pest. White filling is often affected by aphids, scab or powdery mildew. To combat diseases, it is necessary to cut the damaged areas and treat the plant with special solutions. For the prevention of ailments, experienced flower growers recommend regularly cleaning the fallen leaves, whitening the trunk and disinfecting the apple tree with a solution of copper sulfate.
If you follow all the recommendations presented in this article, then no problems should arise.