The apple tree is a cultivated plant that is distinguished by relatively easy adaptation to any climatic conditions. This garden tree is not afraid of frost and drought, because it is a popular fruit crop.
The variety of apple varieties is amazing.Some of them are distinguished by fastidiousness in the care, and others - on the contrary. Familiarize yourself with the Alesya apple variety, which Belarusians, Russians, and Ukrainians used to grow in gardens.
The trees themselves are low.It is much easier to care for such apples and harvest them. This is a positive feature of the apple tree Alesya, which makes it possible to grow garden crops on small farms and on an industrial scale. Although the trees are small in size, the yield is high. The fruits are concentrated closer to the top of the crown, securely fastened to the shoots. Apple trees annually, delighting the first harvest within 4-5 years after planting.
Garden culture resistant to frost. The severe winters are not afraid of apple varieties. Alesya is rarely affected by scab or powdery mildew, as it is well resistant to diseases.
The main advantage of apple trees of Alesya variety: high, even record keeping quality is typical for fruits.
Externally, the apples look attractive. Even looking at the picture, not yet knowing about the characteristics of the variety, potential buyers of seedlings choose this type.
Alesya apples are easy to recognize by size - they are round fruits with an average weight of 145-160 grams. The peel is green-yellow, after maturation becomes pinkish with a blush.
The flesh is juicy, white, homogeneous texture, taste sweet and sour. Apples are easily recognized by their persistent pleasant aroma, reminiscent of summer in the winter.
Given the above characteristics of the fruit,at the same time acting and virtues, it is clear, for what the apple tree Alesya received wonderful reviews. 97% of gardeners are positive about this variety.
Caring for a tree Alesya does not differ from the standard system of supporting the species in a cultural state. Next, we consider all the steps that gardeners have to perform.
The first rule is pruning.Alesya, like the rest of the apple trees, at a young age requires careful control over the growth of shoots and the formation of the crown of the tree. Young trees are pruned annually. It promotes early fruiting.
Не меньшую по значимости роль играет и thinning of fruits and ovaries. The development of apples from the end of flowering to the end of formation must be carefully controlled. Having noticed a fruit of irregular shape or formed with flaws, remove it. If the branches are too overloaded, the apples are thinned, leaving 1-2 ovaries on each of the starts.
Apple alesya not interfere with fertilizer.Top dressings will ensure normal growth and good fruiting of the specimens. If you do not make a mineral complex and organic fertilizers, the tree will begin to lose vitality: the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, and the life of the plant will slow down.
Do not forget about watering.The newly planted seedlings need moisture. During the hot season, they are watered 3-4 times a day, with a watering rate of 30-40 liters of water per unit. When the branches begin to ripen the fruit, frequent watering is stopped to preserve the integrity of the apples. For the winter, apple trees pile up and mulch with humus. This will help seedlings easier to survive the cold season and resume their development by spring.
Photo apple Alesya, description and rules of careplants will help determine the choice of seedlings for the garden. Do not doubt that this variety will be a worthy addition to the fruit plantations on the plot. In the spring you will enjoy the blooming garden, and in the fall - a bountiful harvest.