/ How is the auditory tube catheterized?

How is the auditory tube catheterized?

The catheterization of the auditory tube is one of thetherapeutic and diagnostic procedures, which allows you to enter through the nasopharyngeal catheter into the Eustachian tube. Such manipulation makes it possible to assess the ventilating capacity of the hearing organs, as well as to introduce a medicine for the treatment of certain ailments. If there are some violations, the doctor can perform the purge procedure.

catheterization of the auditory tube

Main indications

The catheterization of the auditory tube is performed for:

  1. Evaluation of drainage, as well as ventilation functions.
  2. Treatment of tubotitis.
  3. As an auxiliary procedure, if there is no effect of politicization.

So, the procedure is carried out if patients often complain of heavy breathing, especially through the nose. As a rule, this is due to the violation of drainage and ventilation functions.

If there is a disease such as tubo-otitis,the catheterization of the auditory tube with the introduction of drugs is performed. This procedure allows you to evaluate the performance of organs. In this case, the doctor can act directly on the affected area. This greatly speeds up the recovery process.

Also, the catheterization is performed in the absence of the effect of such a procedure as politicization. This is due to certain features of the structure of the sky, as well as the Eustachian tube.

catheterization of the auditory tube with dexamethasone

Preparing for the procedure

The catheterization of the auditory tube is carried outOnly in the office of a specialist of a narrow profile. It is impossible to conduct such manipulations at home. Before the procedure, the doctor should prepare the patient. First of all, the specialist irrigates the nasal cavity with a special solution that has a vasoconstrictive effect. This allows you to improve the result of catheterization, as well as reduce tissue swelling.

Before the procedure, it is also recommended to clean the nasal passages from accumulated mucus, since it can interfere.

Special tool

How is the auditory tube catheterized?The technique is quite simple. However, during the procedure, you must be careful. All manipulations in the doctor's office are carried out. When carrying out the procedure, a specialist inserts a catheter into the nasopharynx, which has a peculiar form. To perform all manipulations, the doctor must lift the tip of the patient's nose. Because of the special form of the catheter, the procedure should be performed by a physician with extensive experience, since in the process it is possible to damage the mucous membrane. In this case, a high concentration is required.

catheterization of the auditory tube reviews

How is the catheter inserted

As already mentioned, catheterization of the auditorypipes should only be conducted by an experienced doctor. With this procedure, there is a risk of damage to the tissues of the mucosa. Therefore, the catheter is inserted gradually, with the beak down. This procedure is not very pleasant. However, if the doctor has sufficient experience, the patient will not practically experience pain and discomfort. In addition, before the procedure, the tissues of the nasopharynx are irrigated with 5% solution of novocaine.

Difficulties in catheterization of the auditory tubecause different curvature of the partitions. In such situations, the doctor must carefully avoid all obstacles, while turning the device. The risk of tissue damage when the septum is bent increases.

It is necessary to choose in advance a clinic and a specialist for such manipulations. This issue should be approached with all responsibility.

catheterization of the auditory tube with the introduction of medications


When performing a procedure such as a catheterizationauditory tube, rough movements and jerks are not allowed. Such manipulations can lead to a serious rupture of the mucosa. And this, in turn, can cause severe bleeding.

A doctor who does not have experience and skill canto confuse the mouth of the Eustachian tube with the nasopharynx. This can also cause serious consequences. In this case, purging or administering the drug will only exacerbate the patient's condition. If during the procedure the patient feels severe pain, then this should be told to the doctor. In such cases, the specialist must stop manipulation.

If the procedure is not performed correctly, thendevelop submucosal emphysema. This leads to pain when swallowing. In addition, the patient will feel that there is a foreign object in the pharynx. The presence of such a deviation indicates a strong swelling of the sky, which can be detected by visual inspection.


Catheterization of the auditory tube, reviews of which inmostly positive, although patients note discomfort, is carried out quickly and gives good results. However, there are a number of contraindications. This procedure is not carried out when:

  1. Presence of acute inflammatory process.
  2. Neurological ailments.
  3. Parkinson's disease.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Psychological disorders.

In such cases, the procedure may cause the development ofserious complications. It is for this reason that many specialists rarely resort to catheterization of the auditory tube, but are turning to alternative methods.

catheterization of the auditory tube technique

Disadvantages of the procedure

Catheterization of the auditory tube with "Dexamethasone" andother drugs is an effective procedure for a number of diseases. However, it has some drawbacks. First of all it is necessary to distinguish the invasive method. The procedure is not very pleasant. Often impressionable people lose consciousness during the catheterization.

In fact, the procedure is extremely rare,is carried out in a hospital. To diagnose diseases, objective methods of research have recently been used, among which endoscopy of the inner hole of the auditory tube and otoscopy with the use of a video-telescope.

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