/ / Hemostatic agents

Hemostatic agents

The connective tissue consisting of plasma (liquid(8% of the body weight of the person) is the internal environment of the body that circulates through the system of blood vessels but does not directly communicate with other tissues due to the formation of blood cells, for histohematological barriers. It expires outward or inside the body as a result of damage to the vessels and skin or during the natural menstrual cycle.

A healthy person can survive, without medicalcomplications, blood loss up to 15% of the total. Over this amount, the danger is classified as average, heavy, massive, deadly and absolutely deadly. Methods of stopping blood depend on the species, as this can be an obvious (external, internal) or latent outflow. Help can be temporary, when the application of a hemostatic tourniquet is made, or permanent, when the vessels are closed for closure, tamponade, embolization, or hemocoagulation.

With hemocoagulation (coagulation or coagulation),which is part of the hemostasis (stopping bleeding), a very complicated biological process takes place, as a result of which fibrin protein filaments are formed at the wound site. Those, in turn, form thrombi (clots) curdled consistency. They, being in the lumen of the blood vessel, play the role of a cork overlapping the hole. To accelerate the coagulation apply hemostatic. These include drugs that are derived from blood - these are purified concentrates of coagulating components.

For treatment (especially when performing operations)antifibrinolytic agents are used (for example, "Trasilol", "Kontrikal", "Amben"). When bleeding, antagonists of anticoagulants are also used, for example, "Calcium gluconate" or "Calcium chloride".

For treatment depending on location and natureproblems apply various medicinal haemostatic (haemostatica) or hemostatic agents resorptive (entering the blood) and local (applied to the tissues of the wound) action. For example, for this purpose, the "Hemostatic sponge" drug is used, which is a porous dry mass obtained from the blood of bovine animals or donors. It contains thrombokinase, thrombin and some combination drugs that promote hemocoagulation. The sponge is applied to the wound and left until complete resorption.

Sometimes specifichaemostatic agents. For example, when bleeding from small (but not large!) Vessels, a solution of "Thrombin" (natural ingredient of the blood coagulation system) is used, they are impregnated with a sterile gauze swab or "Hemostatic sponge" and applied to the wound. When changing the dressing or after eliminating the problem, the gauze swab is removed, and the sponge is left, as it has the property of resolving.

Some herbs also have hemostaticproperties and are able to stop or reduce the flow of blood. That is, they act as haemostatic agents. The effect of hemostasis is on those plants that contain natural substances - tannins. These are chemical compounds of phenolic type with astringent, antidiarrheal and hemostatic properties. Hemostatic herbs help increase coagulation and shorten the time of fibrin protein formation. Hemostatic herbs lead to an acceleration of platelet aggregation at the site of bleeding, prevent it from brittle capillaries, prevent the spread of infection, and remove inflammation. These include the common yarrow, white peony root, nettle, ginger, geranium, bug, plantain and others. Herbs and medications on their basis can effectively cope with minor bleeding or reduce blood loss until its causes are eliminated.

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