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Hemostatic Tablets

In the modern world, each of us, one way or another,collides with bleeding of various kinds. Most often, these are nosebleeds, and also caused by trauma to the skin. There are other, more rare forms: intestinal, uterine, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal and others. In addition, there may be prolonged (chronic) bleeding, for example, with Verlhof disease, with aplastic anemia and capillarotoxicosis, which results in generalized bleeding.

In such situations find their applicationHemostatic tablets or the like in the injectable form. The latter are most often used by medical personnel in both ambulance and inpatient care teams. Hemostatic tablets are mainly used in polyclinics, as well as at home.

What is the basis of the action of these drugs?

As mentioned above - bleeding is the mostoften develops as a result of damage (traumatization) of tissues and blood vessels. In the process of stopping bleeding, a whole range of factors participate, which are triggered by a cascade type. This means that some factors are formed as a result of the interaction of others and so on. As a result of the absence of any factor or disruption of his work, a cascade of hemostatic reactions stops, which ultimately leads to unceasing bleeding. It is in such cases that the first possible help is hemostatic tablets.

The most popular means is vikasol.This drug is used with a low content of prothrombin (one of the factors of blood coagulation). The reduced amount of prothrombin is most often caused by insufficient vitamin K in the body. Vikasol replenishes the lack of vitamin and normalizes the coagulation of blood. These hemostatic tablets are used for cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, menopausal and ulcer bleeding.

The effect of using the drug develops after twelve to eighteen hours. Contraindicated use of vikasol in the acute period of myocardial infarction, as well as with thrombophlebitis.

The next most popular hemostaticthe preparation is - etamzilate. This pharmaceutical product is indicated for capillary hemorrhage, including for stopping bleeding from tissues and organs after surgical manipulation. With success, this remedy is used to stop bleeding from the nose and gingival bleeding. These hemostatic drugs are based on the strengthening of the connection between the endothelium of blood vessels and platelets. This, in turn, stabilizes the capillary walls, reducing their permeability.

Ascorutin - another haemostaticpills. The effect of using this drug develops after several days of taking. Ascorutin strengthens the walls of capillaries, reducing their fragility and permeability. In addition, this drug fills the lack of vitamins C and P, has antioxidant and radioprotective action.

Hemostatic drugs during pregnancy are most often listed above, as well as ditsionom, which is actively used in violation of monthly (heavy bleeding).

Thus, it is worth summarizing and saying thatthere are a huge number of drugs that somehow help stop the bleeding, but they are all effective and effective only in the case of competent and targeted use. That is why it is so important not only to eliminate bleeding, but also to know the reasons for which it developed, or the causes that cause the violation of natural hemostasis.

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