Norfloxacin belongs to the categoryfluoroquinolones, is an antibacterial agent. The drug has an effect on most gram-negative microbes. "Norfloxacin", having a bactericidal property, suppresses the DNA-gyrase and disrupts the supercoiling of DNA. The drug is also active against microbes that produce beta-lactamases.
Absorption rate decreases with food intake.When ingested, about 30-40% of the antibiotic is absorbed. In the blood, the maximum concentration is noted after an hour or three hours after administration (depending on the dosage).
"Норфлоксацин" способен накапливаться в peripheral tissues, penetrate into the tissues of the bile duct, gallbladder, kidneys, genitalia (female), liver and prostate. A high level of the content of the remedy is also noted in bronchial mucosa, pleural fluid, bronchial secretion. Able to penetrate the placenta. Through the BBB does not pass.
Half-life is from three to six hours.
"Norfloxacin." Instructions. Indications
Drug is prescribed for diseasesinfectious-inflammatory nature, provoked by microbes that show sensitivity to the drug. To the pathologies in which "Norfloxacin" is recommended, the instructions for use refer to infections of the throat, ear, nose, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract (shigellosis, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera), abdominal and pelvic organs (endometritis, cervicitis, prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis). A medication is prescribed for infectious lesions of soft tissues, connective, skin, bones. The drug is indicated in uncomplicated gonorrhea. Also, the drug is prescribed for gynecological infections, to prevent infectious diseases in patients with granulocytopenia.
"Norfloxacin." Instructions for use
Dosage regimen by a specialist is determined individually.
Как правило, препарат назначается после еды по expiration of two hours or before meals per hour. With infections of the urinary tract "Norfloxacin," the instruction for use recommends taking 400 mg for seven to ten days twice a day, in complicated cases, therapy is allowed for twelve weeks (with effect in the first four weeks, the amount of the drug is reduced to 400 mg in day). With uncomplicated cystitis, the drug is prescribed twice a day for four hundred milligrams from three to seven days.
With acute gastroenterocolitis bacterialof the nature of "Norfloxacin," the instruction for use recommends taking 400 mg twice a day for five days, with proctitis, pharyngitis, cervicitis, gonococcal urethritis of the acute course 800 mg once, typhoid thrice three times a day for fourteen days 400 mg.
In order to prevent the recurrence of pathologies, 200 mg per day are recommended. The duration of the prophylaxis is four or six weeks.
Медикамент противопоказан при лактации, детям до fifteen years, during pregnancy, with hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy, cerebral atherosclerosis, disorders of cerebral circulation.
When taking Norfloxacin (reviewspatients indicate this), side effects are rare. Negative reactions can be observed with prolonged use or administration of the drug at the maximum allowable dosage per day. In these cases, there may be bitterness in the mouth, nausea, anorexia, diarrhea, arrhythmia, tachycardia, insomnia, dizziness, urinary function disorders, skin allergies, candidiasis, pseudomembranous colitis, arthralgia, photosensitization.
Before using Norfloxacin, a doctor's consultation is necessary.