Among the population there is still an incorrectthe idea that measles is a mild disease, and the child must surely get sick of it. In not so distant times in families even there was a tradition: as soon as one member of the family became ill, the healthy ones began to closely contact with him to also get infected. This idea is extremely erroneous and dangerous! Measles is far from a mere innocuous disease. From this article you will learn how the disease proceeds, its symptoms and consequences, how many times in life do the measles vaccine and after what period of time.
Measles is a contagious disease that is transmittedairborne droplets. It not only proceeds in an acute form, but is fraught with complications, severe damage to the eyes, the entire nervous system, and death is also possible. The greatest danger for children is the weakening of immunity, as a result of which, at best, otitis or pneumonia may develop. Although these diseases for a particularly small child can end tragically, but still in the vast majority of cases with such complications these days are successfully coping.
More dangerous is when the virus persistsin the body after recovery, while penetrating deeply into the medullary membrane. In these cases, severe, slowly progressing lesions of both the brain and spinal cord (meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis) often develop.
For many years scientists have been trying to find a method of combatingthis disease. And while it could not be completely defeated, nevertheless, to some extent the course of this disease can be improved and even prevented by the introduction of gamma globulin substance. But it is effective only if introduced into the body no later than the sixth day after contact with the sick. In this case, although the infection has already occurred, but the disease itself has not yet developed. Calculate this point is very difficult, because you can not even suspect about this contact. In addition, gamma globulin protects your child only about three weeks, and then the protein structures of this substance disintegrate.
More effective protection and prevention of diseaseat the moment is vaccination - vaccination against measles. How many times do it, every adult should know. Vaccination is necessary for everyone, without exception, especially for preschool children, because they suffer the most difficult disease.
Today vaccines are produced of the highest quality,are monovalent (from one component) and polyvalent (of several components), the latter in addition to measles prevent diseases such as rubella, mumps and chicken pox.
Everybody knows about measles vaccination, how many timesdo it and after what period of time. But few can answer this question. In different countries, the age for the first vaccination is determined in different ways, mainly due to the life expectancy of people, their immunity and the number of diseases. In any case, vaccination against measles in a few dozen times reduces the risk of getting sick, regardless of where people live. Everyone needs to know why the measles vaccine is so important, how many times it is done to children and adults, what interval should be observed between vaccinations.
In Russia, it is mandatory to have a measles vaccine. How many times does it depend on when the vaccine was made:
After vaccination within 1-2 days maykeep the temperature or a slight malaise. It should be remembered that between vaccinations should take at least six months. Today, a pediatrician or therapist is obliged to explain what measles are, how many times are vaccinated against this disease and why it is needed.
The measles virus does not react to the action of drugs, so even the strongest antibiotics can not exert any influence on it. Treatment of medicines is prescribed only by the doctor in cases of complications.
The best and most important help in the fight against thisillness will be the proper care for the patient. The sun's rays have a deadly effect on microorganisms, and fresh air heals the body. So put the bed in a lighted spot, but so that the light does not get directly into the eyes. Often ventilate the room and wipe the floor daily with a damp cloth. The sick child's measles often rot eyes, all this in the form of dry crusts remains on the eyelids in the corners of the eyes. To relieve the condition, rinse the patient's eyes with a warm boiling water for several minutes. Very cumbersome with cough and rhinitis, making breathing difficult, so a child should often offer a warm drink.
Feeding the patient deserves great attention.Appetite during illness will be lowered, so choose food that is light, nutritious and at the same time tasty and appetizing. There is no need to follow any diet, but it is advisable to bring in the menu products rich in vitamins. Also, do not force to eat, but make sure that the child drinks fruit juice, fruit juice, tea more. After eating, rinse your mouth with boiled water. This will protect against stomatitis, which is often a complication of measles.
Every adult today needs to know why the measles vaccine is needed, how many times it is done during life and after what period of time.