/ / Prostate cancer: life expectancy at different stages of the disease

Prostate cancer: life expectancy at different stages of the disease

Prostate is a small gland in the malean organism located between the bladder and the urethra. Small enough and having limited functions (mainly a special secret for the formation of quality sperm), it causes great trouble for a large number of men. Problems can begin already at an early age (25 years or even earlier), when young men discover a disease such as prostatitis. This inflammation of the prostate, which makes itself felt by frequent urination, weight in the lower abdomen, problems with erection, insomnia, etc. Experts say that in our days the prostatitis is "younger", that is, it is increasingly diagnosed in young men (earlier it was a disease more likely 30-40 years old).

Prostate cancer, life expectancy

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons:disorderly sexual life (infection), poor hygiene (also infections), sedentary lifestyle (typical office clerk, most of his working hours in front of the computer), irregular sex life (no sperm output), etc. Treat prostatitis with antibacterial agents, prescribe prostate massage, and also recommend changing the way of life (more exercise, do not catch cold, etc.).

The most serious prostate disease: cancer

 prostate cancer therapy
Prostatitis in the absence of treatment passes intochronic. But even more unpleasant and serious diseases that can develop in this part of the body are prostate adenoma (benign tumor) and prostate cancer. Prostate cancer in some countries has already reached the third place (after lung and stomach cancer), but it occupies the second place in terms of death rates (after lung cancer). From prostate cancer, 10% of all men in Russia who suffer from cancer die. Symptoms of this disease are similar to the symptoms of prostatitis: frequent urge to urinate, a weak stream of urine, problems with erection, heaviness in the lower abdomen. However, in the stage of cancer in the urine there are drops of blood, there are pains in the perineum, chronic impotence, pain in the bones, swelling of the lower limbs. There are 4 stages of a disease, like prostate cancer. Life expectancy in Stage I cancer is more than 10 years for 90% of all patients. 100% of patients live with the disease for 5 years. But at this stage the disease stops only in case of successful treatment. If the treatment is not properly prescribed, or the patient does not fulfill all the physician's requirements, progressive prostate cancer is observed. Life expectancy of the patient in case the cancer goes to the II stage will be more than 10 years for only 60-70% of patients. The remaining 30-40% of patients who received this difficult diagnosis, live less than 10 years. According to other data, 100% of patients live for at least 5 more years. Again, in case of unsuccessful treatment (or if it is not available, if the patient did not turn in time to the doctor) or depending on other factors (for example, individual characteristics of the organism), the patient continues to develop prostate cancer. Lifespan of 10 years or more remains only in 30-40% of all patients with stage III prostate cancer. Other sources speak of a 5-year survival rate of 50%. At this stage (and even earlier), there are metastases (the spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body). Prostate cancer is dangerous because metastases with it can develop almost asymptomatically, unnoticed. In general, the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be, and the slower the cancer will develop.

Prostate cancer: Stage 4 (last)

Unfortunately, despite all the efforts of doctors,the patient and his relatives, some patients are diagnosed with the IV stage of this disease. This is the last, most dangerous and severe stage of the disease of a patient with prostate cancer. Life expectancy at this stage does not exceed 10 years in 85-90% of all patients. Of course, everything depends on the methods of treatment, on the mood of the patient himself, on following all the prescriptions of the doctor, etc. However, the hope is that the medicine does not stand still and you can hear the expression "cancer is not a sentence" including in relation to prostate cancer. New methods of treatment are being developed, and the life expectancy of patients with this type of cancer is increasing.

prostate cancer Stage 4
Methods of treatment

Therapy of prostate cancer includeshormone therapy, curative therapy, surgical treatment, and chemotherapy (in the early stages of metastasis). Nowadays cryotherapy is also used (treatment of affected areas by freezing). In the Altai Regional Oncology Dispensary in 2009, data were analyzed on the treatment methods of 200 patients (middle-aged men) with prostate cancer. As a result of the study, it was concluded that with localized forms of cancer, surgical intervention increased life expectancy. In III-IV stages, the use of hormone therapy in combination with radiotherapy was more effective for prolonging life expectancy.

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