/ / Prostate massage

Prostate massage

The prostate gland is called the second heartmen. This organ is located below the bladder in the center of the male pelvis. Its other name is the prostate. It is the most important organ of the male genitourinary system. Unfortunately, the disease of this organ is quite common. These include prostate adenoma, prostate cancer, prostate stones, and, of course, prostatitis. These diseases greatly complicate the life of a man and pose an immediate threat to health. One way to treat prostate diseases is prostate massage. This procedure can be used in several cases.

Massage prostate used in the following situations:

- for the purpose of obtaining a prostate secret, a similar analysis is called palpation rectal examination;
- as a procedure for the treatment of prostatitis;
- for pleasure - some people use self-massage prostate in order to obtain sexual satisfaction.

Prostate massage is a very common remedyfor the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, which has been known for a long time. Thanks to this procedure, the potency increases, the blood supply improves, the acuity of sensations increases during orgasm, the venous congestion decreases, the penetration of antibiotics into the given organ improves, urination becomes easier. Massage of the prostate not only has a beneficial effect and allows you to take the juice of the prostate, but also allows the attending physician to monitor changes occurring with the organ during treatment.

Massage of the prostate is performed by the indexa finger through the anus. The position for this process is knee-elbow (or not on all fours) or lying on its side. In no case should you allow too much pressure - gentle mode is one of the main conditions for the success of the procedure. Another important condition is an individual approach, because the structure of the prostate gland in each individual case may be slightly different. The duration of the massage should be about one minute. It is performed daily or every other day, for 15 to 20 sessions, in general, the number and frequency of sessions depends on individual characteristics. At the end, the patient must urinate in order to remove the secret that was secreted during the massage.

The question of whether it is possible to do prostate massagemost is controversial. Some recommend that in case of chronic prostatitis, the procedure should be carried out independently during showering, first lathering the index finger. In addition, today the idea spreads that massage of the prostate gland can be used for pleasure. But some experts categorically disagree with the idea of ​​an independent conduct of this procedure. For example, Mikhail Levin in his book on the treatment of prostatitis says that such actions can only be carried out by a specialist, and in no case can it be done to a person without special education.

In addition, he also mentions a procedure thatyou can conduct yourself - oriental self-massage. It consists in massaging the point located between the anus and the base of the genital organs. You must first press a hundred times to this point, and then press 36 times to push the rear in front. Also, positive pressure on the prostate is provided by anus compression - an exercise that can be carried out in almost any conditions. This action came to us from yoga.

Massage is contraindicated:with prostate cancer, acute prostatitis, adenoma of this organ, fissures of the anus, large cysts of the prostate. Carrying out a massage in the presence of the above ailments is very dangerous for human health.

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