/ / Butterfly Disease: Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

Butterfly Disease: Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

Bullous epidermolysis, or butterfly disease, -quite a rare and dangerous disease. This is the genetic form of dermatitis, which is characterized by congenital defects in the structure of the skin. Unfortunately, to date there is no effective treatment for such a violation.

Butterfly disease: causes and symptoms. As already mentioned, such a disease bearshereditary nature and manifested, as a rule, immediately after the birth of the child. What is the cause of this disease? First, you need to consider the structure of the skin of a normal person.

In humans, the top layer of the skin, or epidermis,is designed to protect from the influence of the external environment. It is in normal condition connected to a deeper sphere - the dermis. In patients diagnosed with "butterfly disease", there are no connections between the epidermis and the dermis, or are not strong enough to keep all layers of the skin together. That is why the skin of such a child is prone to injury.

Congenital bullous epidermolysis is manifestedimmediately after birth. On the skin there are wounds and sores, even from the slightest external influence. If the child has something to do with it, then a trace immediately appears on the skin. Of course, butterfly disease is accompanied by constant pain.

As the disease progresses, themucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and larynx, which makes it difficult for a child to eat. At a later stage, there may be a loss of teeth, damage to the mucosa of the esophagus and intestines.

Undoubtedly, the butterfly's disease itself is notis deadly. But it's hard to live in such a state. In addition, persistent wounds, poorly healing sores and vesicles are excellent gates for fungal, bacterial and viral infections. In the absence of the necessary care, development of sepsis and the appearance of foci of necrosis are observed.

Epidermolysis bullous: methods of treatment. Unfortunately, for today the disease is incurable. The main methods of treatment are aimed at preventing the infection and development of sepsis.

In some cases, the child needsregular therapy with glucocorticoid hormones. Such treatment helps to prevent the appearance of rashes and blisters on the skin, mucous membranes of internal organs. Sometimes it is also treated with immunomodulators, which help the body fight infections.

За больным ребенком необходим постоянный уход, which includes regular disinfection of wounds and dressings. The ranks are treated with olive oil, solutions of vitamins, ointments containing antibiotics, infusions of medicinal herbs. Very useful for diseased skin is a therapeutic bath with decoction of oak bark, turns, chamomile or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Particular attention should be paid to food.In the first months of life, breastfeeding is mandatory. In the future, the food should be liquid, without salt, spices or some irritating products. After feeding the child must rinse his mouth with warm, digested water - this will prevent the appearance of vesicles and suppuration on the gums.

Shoes and clothes should be as soft andmade exclusively of natural fabrics. If the bones are not deformed, then the child must move - this will help to prevent the appearance of contractures.

Болезнь бабочки часто сопровождается развитием Anemia, which is extremely dangerous for a sick child. That's why you need constant monitoring of the blood condition, and if necessary - transfusion of plasma and albumins.

Sometimes in treatment use "Tocopherol acetate" -a drug that stimulates the production of elastic and collagen fibers of the dermis. The therapy is carried out in several stages and provides for several repeated courses. For some patients, this treatment has become a salvation.

In any case, butterfly disease is a very serious disease that needs constant treatment.

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