Cramping in the uterus is a contraction of smooth muscles andthe muscles of the organ. In this case, the woman has a feeling of petrification of the lower abdomen and pain is felt. Most often it serves as a signal of the appearance of malfunctioning of the uterus and diseases.
Cramps in the uterus can occur for several reasons. These include:
Cramps in the uterus occur due to muscle contraction,located in the lower abdomen, as well as in violation of the genitourinary system. Another cause may be painful periods or diseases of the pelvic organs. Spasms, pain of the uterus can not be ignored and treated independently. When they occur, you should seek help from a specialist.
Sometimes cramps in the uterus can occur in pregnant women. This occurs when a spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) and during pregnancy outside the body (ectopic pregnancy).
Если спазмы и схваткообразные боли появляются во time of pregnancy, then it can talk about its termination. Usually in front of them there is a strong cutting pain, which can give to the sacrum. During spasms, bloody spotting from the vagina begins. They talk about placental abruption or the ovum (depending on the gestational age). If you ask for help at this stage, then doctors will have a chance to save the fetus.
After spontaneous miscarriage beginsexcessive bleeding, which is accompanied by uterine spasms and painful sensations. The spasm will continue until you take special medications.
Spasms in the uterus during pregnancy in combination with bleeding is very dangerous for the fetus. If they occur immediately consult a doctor.
Если появились спазмы и боли, которые напоминают contractions, it can talk about pregnancy developing outside the body. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg did not pass the way to the uterus and stuck in the fallopian tube. In this case, the woman will not be bleeding.
Such a pregnancy is rejected by the body, andspontaneous miscarriage occurs. Spasms of the uterus and fallopian tubes gradually exfoliate the egg from the wall. Unfortunately, sometimes the body is unable to cope on its own, and urgent surgical intervention is necessary. If this is not done, then with an increase in the ovum, it can break the tube. Uterine spasm after the embryo has been detached will continue until it leaves the body.
Contractions and spasms of the uterus can be dangerous for women of childbearing age, especially if they are at risk. These include the fair sex:
Often a strong spasm in the uterus appears before the onset of algomenorrhea (menses, accompanied by pain). A spasm appears for some reason. Among these, you can point to:
The causes of spasms before menstruation are not yet fully understood, and research continues.
Painful menstruation begins in a youngage in people with asthenic physique. However, it is accompanied by spasms of the uterus. Also, people with the labile nervous system are susceptible to them. Sometimes she inherits from mother to daughter. Most people who are prone to spasms with algomenorrhea, take it for granted. They do not go to the doctor and drink painkillers, although the disease must be treated. A doctor should be consulted during the onset of menstruation, after the appearance of pain and spasms.
Spasms and soreness also occur.after myoma appears in the uterus. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to get rid of her in the same way as in ectopic pregnancy. He actively shrinks the walls in order to expel her. Myoma appears from the wall of the uterus usually near its neck. This is accompanied by severe cutting pain and frequent spasms. Also in this case there are abundant discharge of blood from the vagina. The pain extends to the entire lower abdomen and can give to the sacrum.
In this case, the way how to relieve neck spasmuterus, only one. To do this, you must remove the surgical method of myoma. It will also relieve uterine spasms and prevent the development of complications. In order to further avoid its appearance, it is necessary to regularly conduct examinations and visit a doctor.
To determine independently the onset of the disease can be on some grounds. These include:
But it happens that not all people can notice the symptoms. They are not felt by people who tolerate pain well and do not notice it.
Special attention to their health should be given to women at risk and prone to the manifestation of the disease. These include women and girls:
Therapy for spasms includes the use ofantispasmodic drugs (for example, No-shpa, Papaverin), which relax muscles, remove tension and restore neurotransmitter levels. Also prescribed massages and warming. Such a complex treatment copes well with its task and relieves uterine spasms. However, to engage in self-medication is prohibited. If you have any ailments of this nature, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. He will examine and diagnose, after which he will prescribe treatment. It can not be interrupted without the permission of the doctor.
Sometimes medication treatment may not bringdesired results or no help at all. Then people use traditional medicine. Her recipes have been tested for decades and were created by people based on the properties of a particular plant.
For this use massages, warming orwarm bathing. During the massage, the blood circulation in the painful and spasmed area improves and muscle relaxation occurs. At the same time, blood circulation is restored.
Warming up or taking a warm bath also contributes to muscle relaxation, only in this case it is due to the effect of heat on the body.
There are several plants that are able to remove the tone of the muscles of the uterus and other organs.
Remove vibrations of the uterus will help viburnum.It has antispasmodic properties. Infusions from this plant are able to weaken and completely remove cramps, pain during menstruation, as well as relax the nervous system.
Infusions and decoctions of ginger help to improve blood circulation. Because of this, spasms are removed.
This plant also improves blood circulation. It is very easy to find. From it cooked gruel, infusions and decoctions.
This is a very common and famous plant. It has antispasmodic properties and a calming effect.