/ / Vitamin complex for children "Multi-tabs" (baby). Instructions

Vitamin complex for children "Multi-tabs" (baby). Instructions

Vitamin complex for children "Multi-tabs", pricewhich is approximately 140 rubles, is available in the form of a solution. Take the drug inside. The composition contains vitamins A, D, and C. Castor oil, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, citric acid monohydrate and others are used as additional components.

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The effect of the drug is based on usefulproperties of active substances. Vitamin A is involved in the differentiation and free growth of epithelial tissues. This component also contributes to the normal development of organs and the stable functioning of the immune system. Vitamin D is a regulator of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. The element affects the condition of the kidneys, bones and large intestine. Vitamin C is necessary for normal tooth growth, skin development, immune system, capillary endothelium. This component improves the absorption of various minerals.


The drug "Multi-tabs" (baby) is recommended for treatment and prevention of deficiency of vitamins A, D, C in newborns, including premature and children under one year.

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Dosing regimen

It is recommended to give the child before bedtime.One dose is one pipette a day after or during the feeding. The drug can be mixed with food. The duration of application of the multi-tabs (baby) is determined in accordance with the severity of the deficit condition.


It is not recommendedhypersensitivity to any of the components. During pregnancy, the drug is not contraindicated. However, during the period of gestation it is more expedient to take the "Multi-tabs" (perinatal).

multi tab perinatal

Adverse Reactions

As practice shows, the remedy is transferred(with strict adherence to prescriptions) is good. On the basis of intolerance, the development of allergies is likely. However, as specialists and parents note, such phenomena occur rarely. Doctors recommend that if any undesirable consequences occur during admission, immediately contact the pediatrician.


When using the drug "Multi-tabs" (baby) inamount exceeding the recommended, probably the emergence of lethargy, violations of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic skin reactions. In a number of cases, there was an increase in pressure (intracranial), a slowdown in growth, an increase in the content of calcium in the blood. The preparation "Multi-tabs" (baby) should stop taking these symptoms. You should contact a specialist. Treatment in this case is appointed in accordance with the clinical picture.

additional information

In connection with the likelihood of an overdoseit is recommended to simultaneously take "Multi-tabs" (baby) with other preparations containing vitamins A, D and C. In practice, the interaction of the complex with other medicines is not described. Keep closed package is recommended not longer than one and a half years, at a temperature of less than 15 degrees. After the beginning of therapy, the remedy is allowed for admission for two months. Store the opened product at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees. Before use, visit a pediatrician.

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