/ / This Terrible Word "angina"

This terrible word "angina"

Angina is an infectious disease in whichenlarged tonsils (they form yellow-white spots), the throat becomes friable, bright red, we can say, scarlet. At palpation of the enlarged lymph nodes on the neck, the patient experiences pain. Lymph nodes are dense to the touch.

Many people ask themselves: Is angina contagious or not?Of course! The patient with such ailment should be isolated (if there is such an opportunity), to allocate to him a separate dish (mug, spoon, fork, plate, etc.) and a towel. The dishes should be boiled for 10-20 minutes each day.

In order for this disease to proceed without complications, it is necessary to start the treatment prescribed by a specialist (infectionist) as early as possible and to comply with bed rest.

Types of sore throat

  • follicular.It is named so because pus is formed inside the follicle of palatine tonsils, therefore it is also called a purulent sore throat. Symptoms: high (39 degrees and above) body temperature, severe pain when swallowing, chills;
  • catarrhal.With this type of angina, only the outer layer of the tonsils is affected. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by dry mouth, malaise, severe headache. Usually occurs without a rise in temperature;
  • ulcerative-membranous. On tonsils (palatine) a grayish coating with ulcers is formed. In general, the disease does not manifest itself in any way;
  • lacunar. Similar to follicular: pain in muscles, joints and throat, fever (from 39 degrees), plaque on tonsils. Only there is no pus.

Symptoms of the disease

Angina causes bacterial or viralinfection. Often the symptoms of the disease is a headache, severe, scraping pain when swallowing saliva, high temperature (39 degrees and above). Usually the disease manifests itself on the 2-3 day after contact with a sick person. The incubation period of the disease lasts from several hours to three days, and during this period of time the patient is not considered infectious.

Children may have additional symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.

How is angina transmitted?

Tonsillitis (a type of sore throat) can be transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, by sneezing and coughing, as well as by physical contact (kiss, handshake) and through dishes.

Do not exclude and improperly processed products infected with staphylococcus (milk, meat, semi-finished products and others). Basically, contaminated foods can be consumed in catering establishments.

Very quickly, the infection spreads in closed rooms with a large team, where there is no opportunity to ventilate or simply do not air the workers.

Chronic inflammation in the mouth, nose, throat, and teeth affected by caries can be a source of the disease.

The most infectious is the patient in the first 3day after the beginning of a sore throat with a high body temperature. After this time, the risk of getting a sore throat is minimal, but still there is. Only 3 weeks after the onset of the disease, the possibility of getting infected with angina disappears completely.


With a timely and proper appointmentthe pain in the throat very quickly passes and the temperature decreases. The average sore throat is cured in a week. In no case can you do self-medication, because improperly selected antibiotics can complicate the course of the disease and ultimately lead to problems with the heart, kidneys and joints.

To eliminate toxins during illness,need a warm, plentiful drink: milk with honey (if there is no allergy to honey), fruit juices, tea with lemon and honey or raspberry jam, alkaline mineral water. The "shock" dose of vitamin C is an integral part of the treatment.

Experts in the case of anginaalways rinse your throat every 2 hours, as when rinsing the microbes from the pharynx are washed out. The rinse solution can be any: with furatsillinom (1 part furatsillina: 5000 parts of boiled water), salt with soda, broth of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus). The alcohol solution of propolis also contributes to a speedy recovery (a few drops per half a cup of water).

During illness, you need to exclude from the food rough, hot, hot food. It is necessary to prepare sparing dishes: milk-vegetable, which will not irritate the stomach and sore throat.

If the patient feels relief on the 3rdday of treatment, then in no case can interrupt the treatment and go to work or study. Decreased immunity, weakening of the body and unfinished inflammatory process can cause complications. Therefore, treatment should be completed completely.

If a person suffers from angina several times a year (2-3 times), then he is recommended to remove tonsils.

For treatment, you can also use folk recipes based on herbs:

  • 4 pieces of sage (leaves) to connect to 5 partsrhizomes of ayr marsh, oak bark and nettle. The resulting mixture should be filled with a liter of water, boil for half an hour, drain, cool. With angina, this broth should gargle as often as possible (at least 5 times during the day);
  • 1 part of linden flowers, 3 parts of chamomile flowers and 2parts of the bark of oak mix. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour a glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, insist for about an hour, drain, cool. This broth is used to rinse your throat.

Is angina invulnerable, we found out. And purulent angina is contagious or not?

Without exception, all kinds of sore throats They are contagious, and purulent - especially!Most often, people with low immunity fall ill with it. According to statistics, up to 10% of the population a year is affected by purulent sore throat. After 30 years, people are less likely to become infected with this disease, since it is believed that after reaching this age, immunity is rebuilt (it seems like it is developing protection against this infection).

The most common can occur with streptococcal purulent angina.

Purulent angina is manifested by its suddenness (the day after contact with the patient).

This infection is not contagious after two days of taking antibiotics and other medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Avoiding infection

  1. In the cold season we try not to visit places of mass gathering of people and unventilated premises.
  2. We try not to overcool.
  3. Most often my hands.
  4. We restrict contact with the patient (we put on a medical mask).
  5. We rarely visit places of catering.
  6. Tempering the body: walk in the fresh air, take a contrast shower.
  7. We eat correctly, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol.
  8. We observe the right mode of rest and work.
  9. We regularly go in for sports.
  10. We regularly do wet cleaning.
  11. We often ventilate the room (at any time of the year).
  12. We try to avoid stress.
  13. We harden the throat.

Quench your throat

  • take in equal parts eucalyptus leaves, flowerschamomile and marigold, mix. 1 tbsp. mix 1.5 cups of hot water, boil for 2 minutes, insist half an hour, filter. Gargle with the broth obtained in the morning and evening. The temperature of the broth should first be 26 degrees, but gradually lower (1 degree per day) temperature to 16 degrees. With this rinse, you can harden your throat and not get sick for 1 month.

Observing the above rules, it is possible not only to prevent complications caused by angina, but also not to become infected with this infection!

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