/ / Are there vitamins from acne?

Are there vitamins from acne?

You know that there are vitamins, activelyfighting acne? Yes, it is vitamins from acne that will help you get rid of these ugly formations on the skin, make it healthy and smooth. Meet - it's antioxidants. Yes, so now it is fashionable to call vitamins C and E, one of the most common and most effective in the treatment of acne. And more on them depends on what will be our skin: tuberous and inflamed or clean and smooth.

Of course, continuous care for skincover, and the right, balanced diet. But no less essential is the help of antioxidants. Vitamins against acne help not only to get rid of them, but with regular use minimize the appearance of acne. But this is important, considering that in adolescence, when the amount of acne on the skin covers increases, it seems to young men and girls that the appearance is more important than the inner content of a person.

Vitamins for acne skin work from the inside indifference from various cosmetics (gels, creams, ointments, balms, etc.). Thanks to human consumption of vitamins, the body receives additional support necessary for it in the fight against infections and viruses, which means it becomes healthier. A healthy person and skin will be healthy.

Contain vitamins from acne, not only in medicines purchased in pharmacies. They are full and in the food that we eat.

So, to fill the lack of vitamin E can,diversifying their diet with products of vegetable origin, as well as dairy and marine. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is involved in the formation of vascular fibers, intercellular substance and fibers of connective tissue and digestive tract, prevents lipid peroxidation of fatty acids. This antioxidant helps to restore tissues, renew skin cells. In what foods is there such a vitamin useful to the skin? In sprouted wheat, vegetable oils, milk, sea fish (fatty), eggs, nuts.

Vitamin A is responsible for the elasticity of the skininteguments. Its a lot in butter, cream, squash, eggs, pumpkin, liver, carrot, cottage cheese. It should only be taken into account that vitamin A (retinol) is perfectly absorbed only in combination with fats. He also influences the growth of bone tissue, the functioning of epithelial tissues, and the formation of visual pigments.

What other vitamins help with acne?Yes, the widespread vitamins of group B, which are many in greens, legumes, eggplants, yeast, liver, grain, etc. They help the skin to regenerate quickly, participate in its hydration. So, for example, vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) act effectively on the circulation in the upper layer of the skin. They improve their complexion.

Still extremely useful in the treatment of acne is vitamin PP,most types of meat, wheat bran, peanuts, milk, etc. It affects the restoration of the protective properties of the skin, as it takes an active part in the oxidation-reduction process.

Among other antioxidants, there are still vitamins C,K, O, D. The latter, for example, positively affects the layer of the epithelium and is extremely useful for both internal and external application. And vitamin C has a stimulating effect on the immune system, reduces painful skin reactions to external influences. It is especially important to take vitamins from acne during periods of stressful situations (exams, financial and family problems, mental overwork, etc.), because the skin reacts sensitively to all factors, including emotional ones. Such vitamins not only will support your skin, but also as a whole will help to remove the consequences of stress.

All of the above vitamins from acne can becombine with the reception of medicines and cosmetics, because they will only increase their therapeutic effectiveness in the fight against acne. In addition, the skin does not only have additional vitamin sources, but also the ability to slow the formation of wrinkles. Skin with a sufficient number of vitamins is naturally ruddy, much slower aging. Including vitamins from acne in your diet - this is not much work. Just need to diversify their diet and use vitamin supplements, especially in the winter and spring periods, when the body begins avitaminosis. Dosage of vitamins purchased in pharmacies is best coordinated with a doctor, so as not to harm the body, and to achieve the best effect from their intake.

The combination of a balanced diet and the use of vitamin supplements will help get rid of acne, acne and other skin troubles.

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