/ / Sound setting "p": complex exercises

Sound setting "p": complex exercises

Sound "p" deservedly considered the mostdifficult to pronounce in Russian. And many children, he is "too tough." If the baby is 4 years old and does not yet pronounce this sound, it is considered the norm. But if this is not observed and by the age of 6, it is better to turn to a speech therapist or start to study independently at home.

Common Violations in Pronunciation:

  • the sound is completely overlooked;
  • instead of "p" it is pronounced, for example, "l" or "d";
  • the sound softens a little where it should be pronounced firmly;
  • sound is pronounced with some distortion.

The main reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of "p":

sound production p

  • violation of speech organs;
  • insufficiently long bridle of the tongue;
  • hearing impairment;
  • violation of speech breathing.

It is necessary to understand that the production of the sound "p" includes not an ordinary imitation of various rumbling sounds, but special preparatory exercises. Consider them.

  1. The child smiles in such a way that the lower and upper teeth are well visible.
  2. Language as it were "sucked" to the sky, while the lips are stretched in a broad smile. The kid should close and open his mouth for a few seconds.
  3. The child smiles, opening his mouth. The tongue rises behind the teeth of the upper jaw and a long "z" is pronounced.
  4. Let the production of the sound "p" turn into a certaingame. Ask the child to imagine that he has just tasted tasty jam and heavily dirty sponges. Now, moving the tongue from top to bottom, you need to carefully lick your upper lip.
  5. Without opening his mouth, the baby drives his tongue between his teeth and lips, as if brushing his teeth.

These exercises only strengthen the speech apparatus. They need to be held regularly, the production of "p" should go in combination with them.

speech therapist

Sound production

  1. The lips of the toddler are stretched in a smile, the mouth is slightlythe tongue is pressed against the alveoli. Ask the child to try to pronounce the sound "dzzz". Of course, at first little will come of it, but in time it will become much more pressing the language, and in the end it will turn out to be a clear "p".
  2. The mouth is open. On exhalation, a long "ddd" is pronounced, and quickly. Look at how exactly this kid does. His tongue must necessarily close with the gums of the upper incisors.
  3. The production of the sound "p"mechanical method. In this case, the child's head falls on the knees of an adult. The child "sucks" his tongue to the sky. It is necessary to press the edges of his tongue to the sky with a thumb and forefinger. At the same time, let the child blow the air out with force. If all conditions are met correctly, then immediately the corresponding vibration appears and a clear "p" sound is obtained.

And when the production of the sound "p" will lead topositive results, and the baby will begin to clearly pronounce it, it is necessary to proceed to automation of pronunciation. Naturally, this work is laborious: at first the sound is fixed in separate syllables, and then already in words and connected sentences. Persistently deal with your child, and soon a real tiger will appear in your house. The success of the classes is determined by the characteristics and nature of the child. Someone learns the material more quickly and a positive result is noticeable, someone slower.

If you do not notice any dynamics, then only a speech therapist can help. The sound of "p" in this case should be performed under the supervision of a specialist.

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