/ Is it a serious illness? We understand together

Is OCD a serious illness? We understand together

ARI is an acute respiratory disease,the time of which affects mainly the respiratory tract. Such a deviation arises from the ingress of any viruses, mycoplasmas or bacteria into the body. It is worth mentioning that one and the same person can tolerate this disease up to 5-8 times within 12 months.

ORZ is

ARI is a disease whose source of infection isis the person himself. Transmission of the virus in this disease is carried out by airborne droplets. By the way, such pathological phenomena can occur in individual cases, and in the form of epidemic outbreaks.

Symptoms and course of the disease

Disease of acute respiratory infections is characterized by a rather weakmarked signs of general intoxication, where mainly the upper parts of the respiratory tract are affected. Typically, an infected person manifests such abnormalities as rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheolaringitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Other etiological agents may cause othersymptoms. Among such signs, keratoconjunctivitis and conjunctivitis (with adenovirus), herpetic angina (with enterovirus), rubella-like eczema (with adeno- and enterovirus), and false croup syndrome (with adenovirus and parainfluenza) should be especially emphasized.

ARD disease

ARI is a disease, the duration of which (whenabsence of pneumonia) is 1-3 to 4-8 days. If a complication, like pneumonia, occurs, the disease lasts approximately 3-4 weeks, and sometimes even longer.

How to recognize?

Do not notice the disease is quite difficult, soas it has rather pronounced symptoms, which are primarily expressed in weakness in the body, the presence of a runny nose, cough, regular sneezing, fever, etc. However, such symptoms may well indicate the presence of other abnormalities in the body. Therefore, the etiological diagnosis is made by the attending physician only after the patient has been given a number of tests for laboratory tests. As a rule, a medical diagnosis of a sick doctor prescribes a diagnosis, namely an acute respiratory disease, and gives him a transcript (for example, rhinitis, acute laryngotraheronritis, rhinopharyngitis, etc.).

How to treat?

acute respiratory disease

As you can see, ARI is not a common cold, butviral (most often) a disease that requires compulsory treatment. It is worth noting that with this diagnosis, use of antibiotic drugs or other chemo-therapeutic agents is useless, since they have virtually no effect on the virus. However, antibiotics are still allowed if you have acute bacterial respiratory diseases.

Most often, ARI is treated in a home environment with mandatory inclusion of bed rest, symptomatic drugs, antipyretic drugs, decoctions, tea, honey and other folk recipes.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid such a disease,should maintain its immunity at the proper level, regularly using vitamins in the form of pills or food. Also for the prevention of influenza A vaccination (for example, using the drug Remantadin).

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