/ / What is denatured alcohol. Composition, properties, application of the product

What is denatured alcohol. Composition, properties, application of the product

In industry and everyday life, denatured alcohol is often used. This liquid has an unpleasant smell and taste. Mass poisonings are also known from the use of denatured alcohol as an alcoholic beverage.

Composition of denatured alcohol

What is denatured alcohol?Translated from the Latin language, its name means "devoid of natural properties." This liquid is bluish-violet, having an unpleasant smell. The structure of methylated spirit is ethyl alcohol (it is the base), kerosene, isopropanol and methanol. Also in its composition may include additional gasoline, pyridine, some dye and other substances. The composition depends on the purpose of the fluid and can vary. Each country establishes its own legislation on the composition of denatured alcohol, depending on the scope of application.

Most often for the manufacture of denatured alcoholUsed ethyl alcohol, raw, has not yet passed rectification (purification). Such alcohol contains fusel oils and methanol, which are very toxic. All other additives are also prohibited for internal use. In the end result, ethyl alcohol becomes unsightly as a consumable drink: an unpleasant smell, taste and color. From denatured alcohol it is impossible to separate pure alcohol with simple chemical reactions in everyday life (freezing, distillation, filtration).

Properties of methylated spirit

After conversion from ethyl alcohol to methylated spiritwith the help of various harmful impurities, the resulting liquid becomes poisonous and very dangerous for humans. Even the inhalation of vapors of this liquid acts poisonously on the body of people and animals. Therefore, the question of what denatured alcohol, you can safely answer: it's poison.

Symptoms of poisoning with denatured alcohol:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • an intestinal disorder;
  • deterioration of vision.

In especially severe cases, there are:

  • bluish tint of facial skin;
  • labored breathing;
  • weak rapid pulse;
  • complete loss of vision.

In order to visually distinguish denatured alcohol frompure alcohol, colorants are added. The existing instructions specify the methods of denaturing alcohol for the preparation of products in various industries: paint and varnish, perfume and others.

The ability of denatured to dissolve varnishes and paintsused in the manufacture of paint and varnish products. The useful properties of technical alcohol also include the ability to degrease contaminated surfaces, dissolve various resins, varnishes, paints.

The composition of methylated spirit

Application of denatured alcohol in industry

The area of ​​application of denatured alcohol is quite extensive. It is used in production:

  • varnish-and-paint products;
  • detergents;
  • chemical and pharmaceutical preparations;
  • additives to fuel (to increase the octane number of internal combustion engines).

In some industries, such alcohol is used for laboratory tests as burners.

What is denatured alcohol

It should be noted that for some technical needs full denaturation of ethyl alcohol is not allowed.

For example, by using denatured alcohol as theDisinfectants in ethyl alcohol are added only formalin or thymol. For the preparation of garden, zoological preparations, formalin, wood alcohol is added. Special additives for the denaturation of chemical-pharmaceutical preparations (chloroform, iodoform, ethers, tannin, etc.) have also been developed.

use of denatured alcohol

For the production of perfumery products asAdditions to ethyl alcohol are used most often Bitrex. This substance is not dangerous to health, but it has a very bitter taste. Giving bitterness makes alcohol unattractive for ingestion and not dangerous even if it gets into the body. As part of many famous brands of perfumes and toilet waters contains denatured alcohol.

The use of denatured alcohol in everyday life and folk medicine

Denatured alcohol is used in the fight againstinsects as a deterrent because of its sharp unpleasant odor (bugs, cockroaches). It is used in everyday life and in veterinary medicine for the disinfection of objects, plants and animals.

In addition, it is used in everyday life for:

  • removing various spots;
  • Kindling of burners;
  • heating of premises;
  • preventing freezing of windows;
  • cleaning and washing of contaminated surfaces.

After the conversion of ethyl alcohol into denatured alcohol, it becomes poisonous

What is denatured alcohol?It can also be attributed to medicines. Alternative medicine sometimes uses denatured alcohol. Most often it is included in ointments and compresses in the treatment of diseases associated with joints. Apply it and as a lotion for healing wounds.

From the above, it can be concluded thatis a denatured alcohol. Denatured alcohol is a liquid made from ethanol with the addition of various non-nutritional supplements. It can cause severe poisoning when ingested, but also heals some diseases. Methanol is a flammable substance. Keep it in a tightly closed container in compliance with fire regulations and use it strictly for the purpose.

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