/ / What gelatin is made from and how to use it

What gelatin is made from and how to use it

Many housewives use in cooking dishes gelatin. But while the origin of this product is known to few. What is gelatin made from?

It is a product of animal origin, whichis a mixture of substances consisting mainly of protein. The most important component of this product is collagen. What are gelatin made from? Of the bones, tendons and cartilage of animals it is extracted by long boiling. To obtain gelatin, mainly bones and tendons of cattle are used. As a result, we have a substance without taste and smell. It is used in cooking for cooking various dishes.

On the shelves of shops we can see gelatin inthe form of crystals or plates. The properties of this product are known to many housewives. It perfectly absorbs water and swells. When heated, this substance dissolves.

Gelatin is widely used in foodindustry. It is added in the manufacture of meat and fish canned food. It is the main component of the ice cream, not allowing the sugar to crystallize, and the proteins to fold.

Apply gelatin and industry.It is used for the production of paints and glues. It is well known to use this product in cosmetic production. Capsules for medicines are also made using gelatin. This allows you to increase the reliability of drugs and make them more safe. Such capsules dissolve perfectly in the stomach if swallowed and do not harm the body.

But, of course, the most widely used gelatinhas in cooking. It perfectly complements the various products and allows you to make them more original. This product contains a lot of glycine, which provides the body with additional energy for proper functioning. This is due to what is made of gelatin. In those products that contain a lot of protein, glycine is practically absent. Therefore, it is a good addition to meat dishes.

In addition to glycine, gelatin contains a smallamount of calcium, sulfur and phosphorus. Essential for human connective tissue are proline and hydroxyproline. Therefore, products with a content of gelatin should be eaten by those who have very weak bones, it is also necessary for the rapid accretion of bone fractures.

For people suffering from osteochondrosis, gelatinalso useful. The condition of the skin, hair and nails also improves when it is taken. In cosmetology, masks for skin and hair using gelatin are very common. Popular are special baths for nails, which include this product.

Everything useful in gelatin can beuse by eating it in combination with other products. Preparation of gelatin is simple. It is only necessary to comply with the whole process so that its properties manifest themselves fully. How to cook gelatin to get the dish the right consistency?

First you need to soak it in cold water.It tends to swell and increase several times. After some time the gelatin swells and the crystals will turn into a homogeneous mass. After that, it should be heated to complete dissolution. The main rule: in no case do not boil the gelatin. From this, it loses its properties, and the dish may not thicken. If there is little liquid left in the gelatin after swelling, you can add it. Add syrup or broth, depending on which dish you are cooking. After complete dissolution of the product pour it into the main dish.

On the packaging, the manufacturer always indicatesproportions and order of use of the product. Be sure to keep this information in mind. Now you can not only cook delicious dishes using this substance, but also know what gelatin is made of.

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