/ / Treatment "Folacin": reviews

Treatment with Folacin: reviews

Folic acid is a very importantan element that takes an active part in the process of metabolism, the synthesis of DNA, is responsible for the formation of blood cells. This vitamin is essential for normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.

folacin reviews

Folic acid can be purchased at any pharmacy.However, few people know that this vitamin is often sold under the same name as Folacin. Instructions for use, cost and feedback about this tool are described below.

Composition, form

The preparation "Folacin", the price of which is indicated below,is produced in the form of tablets. They contain folic acid, as well as auxiliary ingredients such as povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate and crospovidone.

Action of the medicinal product

How are they treated with Folacin? Feedback on the effectiveness of treatment with this drug, as well as the way it is used will be presented below.

According to the experts, thismedicine refers to the vitamins of group B. After entering the body, it is converted into tetrahydrofolic acid and takes part in the most important metabolic processes.

The active substance of this drug is necessary for the full maturation of megaloblasts and the formation of normoblasts. Lack of folic acid promotes the development of megaloblastic type of hematopoiesis.

When carrying a child, this substance is especiallyimportant. It protects the fetus from damaging and teratogenic factors. In addition, this element contributes to the normal activity of the placenta and its maturation.

folacin instructions for use

Kinetic properties

Treatment of "Folacin", reviews of which are moredegrees are positive, all pregnant women go through. After ingestion of the drug inside its absorption occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. The resulting tetrahydrofolic acid penetrates through the placenta and BBB, and also enters the mother's milk.

The greatest concentration of folic acid in the blood is observed after 30-70 minutes. Drug withdrawal occurs through the kidneys after 5 hours.


What is the purpose of treatment with Folacin? The reviews state that the indications for taking this remedy are:

  • prevention and treatment of various types of anemia,which arose due to a deficiency in the body of folic acid (including in the development of complications of any disease, pregnancy, lactation, etc.);
  • prevention and treatment of a deficiency of folic acid, which was caused by a defective or unbalanced diet.

What is the treatment for Folacin?Experts say that this remedy is very often recommended for pregnant women with the goal of preventing pathologies of the neural tube in the developing fetus.

folacin price

Prohibitions for admission

The preparation "Folacin", the price of which is not very high, can not be used for:

  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • deficiency of cobalamin.

All this must be taken into account.

The preparation "Folacin": instructions for use

The medicament in question is intended forreception inside. The instruction, applied to vitamin, asserts, that at carrying out of preventive maintenance and treatment of deficiency of folic acid doctors can prescribe absolutely different dosages.

For example, in the treatment of megaloblastic anemia, the patient is recommended to take a daily dosage of the drug, which is 5 mg, and 2.5 mg for the prevention of this condition.

What to prevent the development of a fetal defectneural tube, pregnant women are prescribed a drug in the amount of 2.5 mg. Take it preferably for a month before the planned pregnancy. Also, it is advisable to continue taking the medication for the entire first trimester of pregnancy.

If necessary, this drug may beis prescribed in higher maintenance doses (for example, patients with alcoholism, people taking anticonvulsants, and patients with chronic infectious diseases).

folacin and folic acid What is the difference

Side effects

Now you know how to take Folacin.When treating this drug, as well as other folic acid, patients can develop allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching, bronchospasm and erythema.

It should also be noted that against the background of taking this medication, patients often develop abnormalities in the digestive tract (anorexia, nausea, bloating, bitter taste in the mouth and others).

Folacin and folic acid: what's the difference?

Many patients ask this question.As is known, the active substance of both drugs is folic acid. As for the auxiliary components, they are different, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the tool in any way.

According to the experts, these medicines are synonymous. The difference between them is only in dosages and costs.

Price and reviews

How much are folicin tablets? According to the reviews of patients, the price of this drug is much higher than the price of ordinary folic acid. It is about 120-150 rubles.

Most often, pregnant women and those who plan to conceive leave their comments about this drug. In their opinion, Folacin is very convenient to use.

how to take folacin

As for experts, they report thatThis is a highly effective vitamin preparation, which is often used in clinical practice. Its active substance is a vital element that is necessary for the therapy and prevention of congenital fetal malformations and anemic conditions during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

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