This article will highlight howhome treatment of an intervertebral hernia is performed. Problems with the spine there are very many of our contemporaries. Even very young people suddenly begin to experience severe back pain, go to the doctor and after conducting a diagnostic examination, they are surprised to learn that the painful sensations are caused by a hernia of intervertebral discs. The first thing that comes to mind is to begin self-treatment with the help of some folk remedies and physical exercises.
Is it possible to cure such a serious diseaseHow is a hernia in the spine, without surgery? Experts say that if the disease is in the initial stage, then, in principle, treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery is possible.
But in this case you will need to prepare forlong hard struggle for the health of the spine. Fast miracles do not have to wait. If you are ready to work on yourself every day, overcoming laziness and sometimes pain, then read our article further and learn the methods of self-treatment.
You can try home treatment of herniated disc using mummy and healing honey. Here's how to prepare the medicine:
1. We take natural honey (5 g, not more).
2. Dissolve the honey with water (1 tbsp. Spoon).
3. We combine honey water with mummy (4 tablespoons).
4. Mix everything as thoroughly as possible.
5. The resulting drug is rubbed into the spine where the hernia was found.
6. After rubbing in, close the lubricated area with something warm.
Such a procedure should be carried out daily, it is best done before bedtime.
Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine at home can be carried out with the help of clay therapy. Both red and white clay will do for this.
1. We measure clay - 1 tbsp.
2. We take fresh, just cut from a plant, Kalanchoe leaves (50 g).
3. Let the leaves pass through the meat grinder.
4. The mass that we got is mixed with clay.
5. Put the tool on the hernia area for about three hours.
After a week of daily clay procedures, a sick person feels relieved. Important: used clay can not be applied again!
To enhance the effect of clay therapy, you can simultaneously apply warm compresses from strong broth of wormwood or from sour milk.
There is an interesting folk treatment of intervertebral hernia with a powder obtained from crushed red bricks or from red old shingles.
We take powder (1 tbsp.), White incense (1 des. L.), 2 chicken egg whites, grape wine (1/2 cup), mix everything until a smooth gruel is obtained. We spread it on a gauze (do not forget to fold it in several layers) and then apply everything to the diseased spine at the location of the hernia. Top brick compress is best closed with cellophane - without this, you can greatly stain your clothes or underwear.
Now see how to treat inhome conditions of intervertebral hernia using horse fat. It is believed that this remedy cures protrusion very effectively. You need to act in the following sequence:
1. We take cellophane and with the help of scissors we cut a strip of 10 by 4 cm from it.
2. Apply a thin horse coat of fat on a cellophane strip. Pay attention to it being applied evenly.
3. We apply the compress to our long-suffering back on the area of the hernia, cover it from above with a piece of flannel and fix it with a plaster.
4. The duration of this tool - 48 hours, then the compress is removed.
Сначала вам придется самостоятельно приготовить healing ointment. We take for this mummy (1 tab.) And dissolve it in liquid honey (1/2 cup), spare no effort to mix everything thoroughly - now the magic substance is ready to go.
Apply this tool should be as follows:First, they take oil of fir, which is smeared with the problem area, and already on top of this is applied ointment of mummy and honey. Next, you will have to work a little and do a spinal massage for about five minutes. It is done this way: put your palm on a greased place (because of honey, it immediately sticks to the skin) and abruptly tear it off. At the same time there are quite painful sensations, you need to endure, it is useful. After the massage procedure is over, wipe the ointment with a napkin and wrap up the heat.
It is time to tell how to carry out treatment at home of an intervertebral hernia, using the sabelnik tincture:
1. We take sabelnik (300 g).
2. Pour it into a glass liter container.
3. Pour vodka into the same place (to the brim).
4. Insist all for 21 days;
5. Ready infusion is drunk three times a day in a tablespoon.
6. When the entire bank is used up, the treatment needs a break of 1 month, after which everything will be repeated.
Do you know what is ornitho gallum?This is an Indian bow. And they can also be treated. We will need one onion, let it be the same size as a regular chicken egg. Another prerequisite: this bulb should have a pair of leaflets 15-20 cm. We skip the ornithohalum through a meat grinder, mix honey (4 tbsp. Spoons) into the mush and, as usual, rub it into the problem area.
Treatment of intervertebral hernia sacralthe spine with various compresses must be combined with simple home physical therapy. Thanks to the exercises listed below, more oxygen is delivered to the affected area of the spine, which relieves spasm and reduces pain.
Also, if gymnastics is performed regularly,This contributes to the gradual normal functioning of the vertebrae. Important: you can not do the exercises, overcoming the strong pain! At the end of each approach, a mandatory long pause is made.
one.We lie down on the stomach, legs slightly divorced and bent, feet "look" at the ceiling. Hands, pull back, clasp their ankles and slowly pull them towards the head. You need to feel how the spine stretches.
2. We lay on the stomach, joining the heels.Slowly raise the upper part of the body, leaning on the arms, we throw our head back. If you have a cervical intervertebral hernia, its treatment with this exercise will go much faster.
3.The starting position is the same as in the previous exercises, arms extended forward. Slowly tear off the hips from the floor, then - raise the head, arms and upper body; try to bend as much as possible. For the lower spine, this position works very well.
4. Get on your knees, hips parallel to the floor surface. Next, bend forward and lay the head and hands on the floor. Hold this position, feel the stretching of your spine and muscles.
5. Lie down on your back, arms along the body. Legs (straight) slowly raise and throws back at the head. The pose is fixed for a few seconds, after which you need to return to its original position.
6.We stand straight, legs wide apart, arms extended to the sides. We lean to the left, lower the left hand down, trying to touch her ankle, the right hand, respectively, rises up. Then everything is repeated in the other direction.
How long will the treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery, time will tell. Who knows, perhaps all of these methods will not work, and therefore will have to resort to surgical assistance.
But even after surgery, the disease can come back. Therefore, preventive measures that help to maintain the spinal health at the proper level are so important. The following tips will help you with this:
1. Bed for sleep should be tough, but comfortable. Now special orthopedic mattresses are on sale, they will help to solve this problem.
2Watching your posture is necessary not only for children, but also for all adults. If you can not slouch, pick up in a pharmacy corset for posture, it will help you to form the habit of keeping your back level.
3. If you have to lift something heavy, do not do it stooping, you must first sit down and then "take the weight." Well, it is best to refuse to lift heavy things at all.
4. Do not sit for a long time in the same position, take breaks, get up, warm up.
5. Sports should be moderate, no need to overstrain. For example, instead of running, it is better to prefer walking.
With intervertebral hernia may occursevere back pain. To relieve the pain and slow down the inflammatory process, you can use drugs such as Paracetamol, Acetaminophen, Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen - all these medicines can be bought at any pharmacy, even without a medical prescription. More potent drugs — Piroxicam, Diclofenac, Celebrex, Indomethacin, etc. — are not recommended for self-prescription, the doctor should prescribe them.
When a person is healthy, he often does not notice this,does not appreciate her happiness. And only ill, begins to realize how lightly and carelessly he had previously treated his health. Do not be careless, because a long happy life without pain is worth it!