/ / The drug "Concor". Reviews, instructions

The drug "Concor". Reviews, instructions

The drug "Concor" is a remedy,intended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The pharmacological affiliation of this medication is a group of beta 1-adrenoblockers. The drug produces an effect on the body that contributes to the hypotensive, antiarrhythmic and antianginal effect.

Medication "Concor" - a medicine blockingthe effect of adrenaline on the heart muscle. The drug is a long-acting beta-1-blocker. With the appointment of the drug "Concor", experts' reviews confirm this, the function of conduction and excitability of the myocardium is inhibited due to the blockade of neural receptors sensitive to adrenaline located in the heart area.

The hypotensive effect of the drug is associated withinfluence on the central nervous system, a decrease in the volume of the minute blood flow, a decrease in the activity of the renin-angiotensin system, and deactivation of sympathetic stimulation of peripheral vascular vessels.

Antiarrhythmic effect of the drug is manifested inas a result of a slowing of the rate of rhythm (ectopic and sinus), as well as atrioventricular conduction in the antegrade and additional directions.

Reducing the need for oxygenation of the myocardium by the drug as a result of a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the cardiac muscle causes an antianginal effect of the drug on the body.

The drug "Concor", reviews of experts aboutthe use of which is said about its selective action, helps suppress the influence of adrenaline only on the heart muscle. As a result of this process, the contraction of the myocardium becomes less frequent and the arteries of the coronary bed expand. Reduces the volume pushed by the heart muscle blood, which helps reduce blood pressure.

The use of high doses of the drug contributes toEffects on organs that contain beta 2-adrenergic receptors - such as skeletal muscles, bronchi, uterus, pancreas, peripheral artery arteries, smooth muscles.

It is recommended to use a medicament for ischemiaheart muscle. The drug "Concor", the experts' reviews of which speak of his support in the state of relaxation of the coronary vessels, shows its medicinal properties during the day after admission. As a result of the action of the drug, angina attacks completely disappear or their frequency and intensity decrease.

Recommended use of the drug in the treatmentarterial hypertension. The drug improves the patient's condition and normalizes blood pressure. We recommend the drug "Concor", the testimonies of which testify to its wide application in cardiology, with heart failure, which is chronic. However, with this disease, it is necessary to take into account the state of the myocardium. If he copes with his work to a large extent, then the purpose of the drug is fully justified. At the onset of the decompensation stage, manifested in the appearance of various symptoms (dyspnea, edema, etc.), the drug may cause a worsening of the severity of the pathological process.

Active active substance of the drug isbisoprodol fumarate. Its content in the medicinal form of the drug, which is coated tablets, is five or ten milligrams. Manufacturers of medical products are issued a therapeutic tool "Concor Cor, reviews about which speak about its milder impact on the body. The content of bisoprodol fumarate in the drug form is two and a half milligrams. In this regard, the drug "Concor Cor" is not prescribed for the course of treatment of hypertension and angina, as it does not have the ability to normalize blood pressure.

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