/ / Pharmaceutical preparation "Baneocin" (ointment)

Pharmaceutical preparation "Baneocin" (ointment)

Pharmaceutical preparation "Baneocin" (ointment)refers to the pharmacotherapeutic group of antibiotics used topically. It is a yellowish homogeneous mass with a slightly pronounced characteristic odor.

Active active ingredients of the drug are zinc bacitracin and neomycin sulfate. Additional constituents are white soft paraffin and lanolin.

The drug "Baneocin" (ointment) iscombined antibacterial drug used externally. In its composition - two bactericidal antibiotics, which have a synergistic effect.

The highest concentration of the drug is observed inplace of its application, absorption of active active ingredients through the skin is insignificant. It has been established that pus, blood and other biological materials do not reduce the antimicrobial effect produced by the drug "Baneocin".

Ointment is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of bacterial infection of the skin:

- furuncles, carbuncles, folliculitis of the scalp, purulent hydradenitis, pseudofurunculosis, paronychia, pyoderma;

- Contagious impetigo, infected varicose ulcers, secondary infections with dermatosis, abscesses, as well as after skin transplantation, ear lobe puncturing and other surgical manipulations;

- infections with burns;

- external otitis media;

- in the postoperative period of therapy, surgical interventions in the paranasal sinuses.

In addition, the drug under consideration is widely used in cosmetology (surgical).

Pharmaceutical preparation "Baneocin" (ointment). Instructions for use

The medication is applied with light rubbing movementsto the affected areas from two to three times a day for a week. After the procedure, you can apply a bandage of gauze to the problem area. If it is necessary to conduct a repeated course of therapy, the frequency of use of this remedy should be halved.

Ointment "Baneocin" side effects, as a rule,does not cause. However, prolonged regular use does not exclude the development of local allergic reactions (redness, itching, rashes), caused by increased sensitivity of the skin of the patient. During the treatment of chronic dermatitis, it is possible to develop sensitization in relation to other medicines.

In addition, there were isolated casessuch systemic effects of the drug "Baneocin" (ointment), as a lesion vestibulohohlearnogo apparatus, ototoxicity, blockade neyromyshechnoy conductivity. The above undesirable consequences developed in patients with a significant violation of the integrity of the skin.

The considered pharmaceutical preparationis contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to bacitracin, neomycin and other aminoglycosides; with severe and extensive damage to the skin (since the resorption of the drug leading to the development of ototoxic effect is possible).

This drug should not be injected into the external auditory meatus if the tympanic membrane of the patient is perforated. It is also not used to treat infections of the eyes.

Overdose of the drug is characterized by the development of toxic or allergic reactions. Elimination of neuromuscular blockade is made by neostigmine or calcium preparations.

It is noted that the risk of developing a toxic effect increases if the patient suffers from severe impairment of kidney and / or liver function.

It is not recommended to store the ointment at temperatures above twenty-five degrees Celsius.

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