/ / Pharmaceutical preparation "Cefatoxin". Instructions for use

Pharmaceutical preparation "Cefatoxin". Instructions for use

The pharmaceutical preparation "Cefatoxin"the instruction for use indicates, refers to the third generation cephalosporin antibiotics. It is the most effective medicine used to eliminate serious infectious diseases, localized in the genitourinary system, internal organs.

The drug "Cefatoxin" instructionrecommends the use in the treatment of people with immunodeficiency. This medication is available in the form of powder for injection. In the original packaging there is a bottle for one dose.

Pharmaceutical preparation "Cefatoxin", descriptionmechanism of action which gives instructions for use, provides not only the cessation of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, but also the destruction of the causative agent of the disease itself. This drug is active against a fairly large number of microbes, among which there are those that are resistant to the effects of other cephalosporins.

The medication acts as follows:Half an hour after the introduction, its maximum concentration is reached, it is characterized by good spread across all tissues and organs of the patient. It is noted that the drug overcomes the blood-brain barrier, so it is widely used to eliminate meningitis. A large amount of medicament accumulates in the internal organs, skin integuments, musculoskeletal system, cerebrospinal fluid.

The drug "Cefatoxin", the instruction indicates, is removed from the patient's body with urine.

This medication is indicated for treatmentinfectious diseases of ENT organs; gonorrhea, chlamydia and other ailments of the genitourinary system; contamination of blood; endocarditis; meningitis; infectious lesions of bones, joints, dermis or muscle tissue; diseases of the organs of the reproduction system.

The pharmaceutical preparation "Cefatoxin", the instruction notes, can be combined with other antibiotics (in particular with aminoglycosides).

The maximum activity of the preparation is fixed in the treatment of infectious diseases of skin and soft tissue - up to 100%, as well as meningitis therapy - 95%.

The optimal dosage is determined by the attending physician.The necessary amount of medication depends on the patient's condition and severity of the disease. The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Injections are made with an interval of twelve hours (provided that the severity of the disease is mild). A specialist may decide to reduce this gap to eight hours. In especially severe cases, the interval can be reduced to six hours.

This medication is contraindicated touse of women in early pregnancy, individuals with intolerance to antibiotics, as well as patients suffering from kidney failure.

Side effects develop extremely rarely, they pass, usually after the drug is discontinued.

When using said pharmaceuticalfunds for more than ten days are recommended to make an analysis of the blood condition. When using the drug as a nursing mother, breastfeeding should be stopped. The amount of medication is determined exclusively by the doctor, it depends on the condition of the patient's kidneys.

In patients with intestinal or stomach diseases, the development of severe complications is not ruled out when using this medication.

During the entire period of therapy, it is recommendedtake a multivitamin complex (the drug "Supradin", "Sana-Sol" and others) and a biologically active supplement containing live bifidobacteria (it will ensure the maintenance of intestinal microflora in the optimal state).

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