/ / Drug "Pertusin". Instructions for use

The medicine "Pertusin". Instructions for use

Drug "Pertusin" instructions for use are listed in the clinical and pharmacological group of combined drugs that have expectorant and antitussive properties.

The medicine is produced in the form of a syrup.It goes on sale in bottles with a capacity of fifty, one hundred, as well as one hundred and twenty five milliliters. Active active substances of the drug - potassium bromide and extract of herb thyme. In one hundred grams of the drug they contain one and twelve grams, respectively.

The medication is a syrupy aromatic liquid of dark brown color, sweet to taste.

Pharmaceutical preparation "Pertusin", instructioninforms, exerts an expectorant, mucolytic and antitussive effect. Due to the presence of the herb extract, the secretory activity of the bronchial glands intensifies and the viscosity of the sputum decreases (which makes it better to clear the cough). Potassium bromide reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, which helps suppress the cough reflex and reduce cough.

The medicament in question is assigned totreatment of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, which are accompanied by hard-to-remove viscous sputum. Among them, acute, obstructive or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, influenza, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute respiratory disease, cystic fibrosis, whooping cough and others. This drug is also used to treat wet cough.

Pharmaceutical preparation "Pertusin" (instructionon application accentuates this particular attention) is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to the components of the medication, with hepatic insufficiency (being in decompensation stage), and also during the period of fetal and natural feeding.

Against the background of taking this drug mayThere are such failures in the digestive system, like heartburn and nausea. Also, the appearance of skin itching, rash, hives, angioedema.

Pharmaceutical preparation "Pertusin". Instructions for use and dosing

To small patients who have not reached the age of two, the medication is prescribed for two and a half milliliters three times a day.

Children from two to six take it in the volume of five milliliters with a similar frequency.

At the age of six to twelve, five (maximum ten) milliliters are shown with the same regularity.

Children over twelve and adults take medication ten to fifteen milliliters three times a day.

The drug is indicated solely for internal use. If necessary, it can be diluted with a small amount of boiled water (preferably room temperature).

The medicine "Pertusin" (instruction onuse this information) should not be taken with medicines such as Libexin, Codelac, Sinekod, Terpinkod and others used to get rid of dry cough. Their joint reception is fraught with stagnation of sputum in the area of ​​the tracheobronchial tree and, accordingly, the spread of infectious pathogens. If you need to combine the above drugs, you need to alternate them: in the afternoon use expectorants, and at night - antitussives (this will ensure a full rest during the night).

It should be borne in mind that in thisthe pharmaceutical product contains ethyl alcohol. In addition, in one hundred grams of the drug - eighty-two grams of sugar syrup (which is especially important to people with diabetes).

This medicine is on sale.

The drug "Pertusin" (syrup), the instruction for use reports, is suitable for use for four years from the date of manufacture.

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