/ / The drug "Exoderil": instructions for use

The drug "Exoderil": instructions for use

The drug "Exoderil" is appliedfor the treatment of mycoses, fungal infections of the skin, pityriasis, candidiasis, inflammatory dermatomycosis. The main form of release is a solution, which is placed in bottles of dark glass with a screw cap - a dropper of polyethylene.

The drug "Exoderil". Instructions for use: composition, pharmacokinetics

The main active substance of the drug is naftifin hydrochloride. The auxiliary components include ethanol, propylene glycol.

The drug has a high absorption capacity when applied to the skin, nails. Does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream.

Pharmacodynamics of the preparation «Exoderil»

The medicine is intended exclusively forexternal application. It has a pronounced antifungal effect. The active substance acts on trichophytes, epidermophytes, microspores, yeast fungi by blocking the enzyme squalene epoxidase, which is necessary for the growth of the microorganism. The suppression of this active substance allows accumulation in foreign cells of squalene, which directly damages them.

In addition to antifungal activity, the drughas antibacterial effect, which extends to gram-negative, gram-positive microorganisms accompanying mycobacteria (proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus). In the clinic it was proved that the drug exhibits anti-inflammatory effect, contributes to the disappearance of such a symptom as itching.

The drug "Exoderil". Instructions for use: dosage

It is recommended to apply the drug toaffected areas of the skin, nails twice during the day. For more comfortable use on the cap there is a special dropper. Before applying the drug, it is necessary to clean the skin, nails with moist tampons, then drain. To improve its absorption, it is necessary to remove some hyperkeratotic layers before applying. At the end of the procedure, an occlusive dressing with urea is applied. Four days later the affected part of the nail is removed. To avoid recurrence of the disease, this procedure is performed after the disappearance of clinical signs within two weeks.

The drug "Exoderil". Instructions for use: side effects, contraindications

Among the side effects highlight the appearance of signs of local inflammation, which is manifested by dry skin, burning, redness. All of them are reversible, do not require drug withdrawal.

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components. In addition, it is not recommended to apply the solution to open wounds.

The drug "Exoderil". Instructions for use: special instructions

This medicine is intended fortopical application. It is forbidden to use the drug in ophthalmology, apply to open wounds. In these cases it is recommended to use another form of the drug - a cream that does not include ethanol. The drug "Exoderil", the use of which is practically not accompanied by the appearance of adverse reactions, can be used during lactation, as well as during pregnancy.

The drug must be stored ina dark place, protected from children, at temperatures up to 30 degrees. Its shelf life is five years. At the end of this period, the use of the medicinal product is prohibited because of the high likelihood of toxic effects. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

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