/ / How to remove itching from mosquito bites in adults and children? Practical advice

How to remove itching from mosquito bites in adults and children? Practical advice

Комары - назойливые насекомые, вредители.They are carriers of various infectious diseases, including malaria. These creatures are chosen wet and dark places - forests, swamps, fresh water (rivers, ponds, lakes). Most mosquitoes are activated at sunset. Their distinguishing feature is the buzzing over the ear of a person trying to fall asleep ... As a result, the latter not only does not get enough sleep, but also becomes bitten by these creatures. In this article we will not tell how to cope with annoying bloodsuckers. Today we will talk about how to relieve the itch of a mosquito bite.

how to relieve itching from mosquito bites

Why is itching?

Most often at risk are small children.Their skin is much thinner than in adults, and mosquitoes know it. These bloodsuckers are dangerous because they inject a certain substance that prevents blood from clotting under the skin of their victims. The itch that occurs after a bite is the reaction of our body to the mosquito substance. As a result, a small itchy point or a whole blister can form! Sometimes this place is very itchy.

What does it threaten with?

Adults who know how to relieve the itch of a bitemosquito, hurry to take measures, but what to do with children? Sometimes itching is so severe that the children mercilessly begin to scratch the skin at the site of the bite, and this can already lead to infection of the blood or purulent inflammation. In addition, a simple mosquito substance can cause anaphylactic shock or allergies in a child.

how to relieve an itch from a mosquito bite

How to remove the itch from the bite of mosquitoes in a child?

  1. Treat the bite site with any disinfectant (vodka, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green).
  2. Use special preparations for children.Remember! Mosquito repellents designed for babies should contain the label "childish" on the package, as well as information about the age at which the product can be applied.
  3. A wonderful alternative to repellents is the essential oil of clove or anise.
  4. Many moms are interested in how to help the child and whatrelieve itching from mosquito bites at home. Use regular baking soda. Dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and do the following: moisten the swab in the solution, apply it to the sore spot and leave it until the itching subsides.
    mosquito repellents

How to remove itching from mosquito bites in adults?

  1. Take any of the antihistamines - Suprastin or Cetrin, which remarkably relieves the itch within one hour.
  2. Use special gels and ointments,which each pharmaceutical manufacturer offers today (except for Evalar). If you do not have the opportunity to buy them, use the available tools that are available in any home medicine chest. What kind? Read on!
  3. Common brilliant green partially relieves itching, because it dries the bite.
  4. You can use all the famous ointment"Asterisk" (its modern counterpart - "Doctor Mom"). The camphor contained in this tool available to all, as well as eucalyptus and peppermint extracts, reliably relieve the itch and prevent inflammation from developing at the site of the bite.
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