/ / Safe mosquito repellent for babies. Mosquito repellent for newborns

A safe mosquito repellent for babies. Mosquito repellent for newborns

Summer is a time for vacations, trips to the sea, to the forest, toreservoir. Holidays with young children are not only fun, but also a big responsibility. The first thing you need to buy, going on a trip or a walk with your baby, is a mosquito repellent for babies. It will help to cope with annoying insects and save you from many of the problems associated with them.

Why is it necessary to use mosquito repellent for children from the first year of life?

Комары кусают не только взрослых, но и деток, with the latter they deliver more hassle. Mosquito bite is not so bad. In our country, outbreaks of malaria and other diseases associated with these insects have not been observed for a long time. But the consequences of a bite sometimes lead to severe allergic reactions. This is especially true for delicate baby skin. Scarce does not understand that you can not comb the resulting bump that constantly itches. Afterwards, a wound appears, the baby may carry an infection, and this will lead to suppuration.

mosquito repellent for babies

To prevent this, you need to usemosquito repellent for babies. When traveling abroad is the first thing you need to put in a suitcase. In many countries, mosquitoes are considered carriers of serious diseases. Therefore, there is no need to risk the health of your child. It is enough to acquire the necessary means of protection and to be sure that the insects will not disturb the crumbs.

How to protect a child without using various mosquito repellents?

В наше время специалисты разработали безопасное mosquito repellent for newborns. But if you are categorically against the use of various fumigators, sprays, ointments and gels, you will have to ensure the protection of the crumbs yourself.

First, in the house it is necessary to install mosquito nets on the windows and doors. Manege is recommended to equip a canopy. When walking, the stroller should be covered with a thin diaper or mesh cloth.

mosquito repellent for newborns

As a rule, mosquitoes are activated in the darkday, so you should not walk with the child until late, without using a mosquito repellent for babies. Insects attract harsh smells, so forget about persistent and tart eau de toilette.

На природе не нужно проводить время вечерами с baby at the reservoirs, there are going to a lot of mosquitoes And even if you put a child in a closed suit, it does not guarantee that he will not be bitten. Mosquitoes can pierce even the most dense fabric.

What tools can be used at home?

Means of protection from mosquitoes are many. They are divided into:

  • homemade;

  • street.

Фумигатор – отличное средство от комаров для infants It is easy to use, does not cause allergic reactions. Its worth being used at home. The principle of operation is quite simple: a liquid or a dry plate is inserted into a special electrical device and plugged into a power outlet, after which a light comes on, indicating that the work has begun. The result is noticeable after a short time. Insect first paralyzes, and then comes his death.

mosquito repellents for babies

Врачи рекомендуют использовать фумигаторы в lack of children in the room. Take the child to yourself or walk with him on the street, and at this time turn on the device in the network for 1-2 hours. If this is not possible, carefully observe the reaction of the baby. Modern fumigators are not toxic, but, nevertheless, there have been cases of individual intolerance to substances.

Camping without annoying insects is not a myth, but a reality

If you need to protect the baby from mosquitoes onoutdoors, it is best to use repellents. These substances do not kill insects, but scare them away. Before you choose a particular tool, be sure to read the instructions and pay attention to the age from which it is recommended to apply a repellent.

Most often moms use sprays, milk,creams. The main rule - do not rub the tool into the skin of the child. For the very young suitable treatment of clothing spray. Take care that the repellent does not get into the eyes and mouth of the crumbs, otherwise you will have to wash the affected area and consult a doctor.

mosquito repellent for babies reviews

Pediatricians recommend the use of such tools.no more than 3 times a day. Before use, it is advisable to check the reaction of the baby to the repellent. To do this, it is enough to apply the substance to a small area of ​​the skin of the crumbs and observe during the day.

Anti-mosquito bracelets - a safe remedy formosquitoes for babies. Experts claim that it does not use toxic substances. It is enough to put a bracelet on the child’s foot or on the stroller when the baby is in it, and protection will be provided at 100%. It is not recommended to wear such a device on hand, since children tend to try everything on their teeth and pull them into their mouths.

Moms recommend

Choosing protective equipment for babies, the main thingbe confident in their safety. Buying repellents, as a rule, you come up with a “use for children by the year” mark. Experienced mothers recommend using Chicco insect bites wipes. This mosquito repellent for babies, reviews of which are only positive. In addition, you can buy cream, spray and other scaring agents of this brand.

mosquito repellent safe for babies

These preparations are made on a natural basis,do not contain toxic and chemically harmful substances. The composition is quite simple. The main components are Indian lilac and citronella. These smells do not tolerate mosquitoes, which provides complete protection to the crumbs.

Mosquito repellent for babies "Chico" is notIt has flaws, the only negative is the price and the problem with the purchase. Such protection is found on sale in large retail chains, in small towns these products are practically absent.

We use folk remedies as protection against mosquitoes

There is a category of parents who do not acceptthe use of sprays, creams, lotions and other repellent repellents for young children. In this case, it is worth to use folk remedies for mosquitoes for infants. Below is a list of scents that scare off annoying insects:

  1. Needles. It is enough to put a couple of branches in the stroller, and in the evening to throw them into the fire and not worry about the mosquitoes disturb the baby.

  2. Chamomile has not only healing properties, but also well repels insects. Put the inflorescences in the bags and place them next to the baby cot.

    mosquito repellent for babies chico
  3. Tomato. If you are a happy owner of a personal plot, take a few branches of tomato and bring them into the house - mosquitoes do not tolerate this smell.

  4. Vanillin. It is enough to add it to the body cream and apply crumbs to the skin.

Using these methods, do not forget aboutthe fact that plants can cause an allergic reaction, so watch the condition of the baby, and in case of redness or rash, immediately remove irritants from the house.

Making a fumigator with your own hands

In addition to repellents, you can use folkmeans that are used in homes and apartments. For this you will need an old fumigator in which the liquid has run out. Eucalyptus extract, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, is perfect as a deterrent.

You can also make your own tincture ofcones of spruce or pine and pour into a fumigator. These smells will perfectly repel insects, while you will save money and be sure of the environmental friendliness of the product used.

What if baby was bitten by mosquitoes

Mosquito bites in infants can cause not only discomfort, but also provoke an allergic reaction.

mosquito bite in infants

Чтобы этого не случилось, необходимо обработать the bite is a special means, which in the pharmacy for sale a huge amount. Do not forget to pay attention to how old it can be applied.

Due to the excellent composition (mint, green tea, cucumber extract, etc.), the balm reduces itching, removes puffiness and helps to relieve inflammatory reactions.

When there is nothing suitable at hand

What to do if the child was bitten by mosquitoes, and there is no possibility of acquiring special funds? To reduce itching you can:

  • Lubricate the bite with lean sour cream or kefir.

  • Make a solution of baking soda and water and wipe the bites on them.

  • If there are leaves of mint or plantain, it is good to stretch them with your hands and apply to the inflamed area of ​​skin.

  • Even ordinary black tea will help relieve puffiness and itching. Moisten a cotton pad in it and attach to the bite site.

Choosing a mosquito repellent for newborns,Remember that you first need to carefully study the composition, instructions for use and age range. It is better to buy such products in pharmacies to ensure the quality of the products being purchased. At the slightest suspicion of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of drugs.

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