In the human body, there are manyvital processes, including gas exchange, circulation, digestion, and so on. Man can not manage them, but it is still possible to influence some of them. This also applies to such a complex act of reflex as vomiting. During it, the body in an emergency order gets rid of the poisons and toxins that enter it with food or in some other way. But sometimes your own strength in order to ejaculate the contents of the stomach, the biological system is not enough. Let's talk about how to induce vomiting artificially in this article.
First, let's look at thesituations, there is a need for an artificial invocation of a vomiting attack. Most often it is required for food poisoning. Once you have felt the first symptoms of intoxication, you should quickly rid the body of toxin-containing food. Is it possible to induce vomiting in this case artificially? Of course yes!
To an urgent emptying of the stomach sometimeswomen resort to women who carefully monitor their figure and are afraid of panicking to gain weight. They know how to induce vomiting, and after each dense meal they specifically provoke a reflex act, so that the food that has not yet had time to digest leaves the body and does not add to it excessive calories. Of course, this method is effective and allows you to achieve the goal pursued, but often it can not be used. Why? This will be discussed below.
The traditional method for artificialprovoking a vomiting reflex is considered irritation of the root of the tongue by thrusting deep into the mouth of two fingers. This action leads to spasms of the stomach and esophagus, due to which they spew out their contents outward. Use as an irritant can not only fingers, but also, for example, a teaspoon or even hair. Some people have a reflex act after they imagine that they ate something disgusting and disgusting (only to fantasize you need the most colorful). Do not have to long search for a way of how to induce vomiting, people with a weak vestibular apparatus. It is enough to swirl, go for a swing, at a rapid pace to bow in different directions, and the attack will not keep you waiting. In addition, when using any of the listed methods, do not forget to consume a lot of liquid along with eating. First, water will facilitate the procedure by diluting the eaten, and secondly, create a feeling of overflow in the stomach, which will provide additional stimulation of the vomiting.
Effects of induced vomiting
Think carefully before using onPractice presented in the article recommendations for the purpose of getting rid of calories. This is extremely dangerous for health. The fact is that by forcefully provoking an emetic act several times, you will not even notice how you will get used to such actions, and this leads to the development of psychological dependence and bulimia. Subsequently, you no longer have to induce vomiting artificially - after each meal the gastric emptying will occur spontaneously, and this process you can not even stop if you wish.