/ / Clitoral orgasm

Clitoral orgasm

Sexopathologists define orgasm as a complexa process occurring at a psychophysiological level. The manifestation of orgasm is a consequence of the excitation of special zones of the brain. The impulses coming from the excited genital organs promote the activation of these zones.

According to specialists dealing with issuessex, the first orgasm in a girl happens at the age of 12 to 14 years. It is achieved either by conscious masturbation, or by unconscious touches to the genitals.

The specialists determine the following physiologicalforms of orgasm: clitoral, vaginal, uterine and perineal form. There are several pathological forms: oral, anal and teat forms.

Despite the prevailing view thatClitoral orgasm can be experienced mainly by young women, this form manifests itself in women, regardless of age and features of the constitution of the body.

The irritation of the clitoris occurs under the influence ofon it with your hands (fingers), lips, tongue or penis. The head of the clitoris contains blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, when excited by his fingers, very light and gentle movements are needed. Fingers better moisturize with natural lubrication of the vagina. With increased sensitivity of the head of the clitoris, caresses with your finger can be transferred higher. The tail and body of the clitoris are located deeper, so here you can apply more tangible effects.

To influence the clitoris with lips and tongue, a womanshould be in a position convenient for her. The most comfortable will be the posture lying on the back. At the same time, her legs should be positioned as she likes, and best of all - on the shoulders of a partner. During stimulation of the clitoris, the tongue should be relaxed, especially at the very beginning of the exposure. The impact on the clitoris, as a rule, is accompanied by caresses of the chest, abdomen or thighs of a woman. It should also be mentioned about the posture 69. In some cases, it is quite difficult for a woman to reach orgasm from above. Therefore, it is better to be on your side. At the same time you can have fun at the same time.

A woman can experience a clitoral orgasm and when exposed to a clitoris member. Such stimulation of the clitoris can be made both before sexual intercourse, and directly during coition.

Before the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the head massages the clitoris and the labia.

Women experiencing predominantlyclitoral orgasm, to enhance the sensations during coitus in the classical position, you can move your legs. In this case, the back of the penis during friction will affect the clitoris. In this case, the penis is inserted into the vagina at a slight angle. Contact with the clitoris is possible provided that the distance between it and the entrance to the vagina is about 2.5 cm. If the clitoris is positioned higher, it is necessary either to change the pose or to act on the clitoris with your fingers.

In a highly excited clitoris, the temperature rises, it looks swollen and enlarged.

Various movements of the woman's body are observed,experienced a clitoral orgasm. Symptoms in some cases resemble convulsions. It is possible to strain, bend or stretch the body. In other cases, the woman begins to wriggle, make tense movements in different directions. At the same time, she can moan or scream. Also words and phrases can break out. Orgasm is accompanied by a sharp contraction of the muscles of the uterus, the perineum, the vagina. As a rule, with clitoral orgasm in young women who do not give birth, there are two or three strong and slightly weak spasms. While in women giving birth to orgasm is accompanied by one strong and 1-2 weak spasms. In this case, the member can feel all these muscle contractions.

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