/ / What is a female orgasm, what is it like and how to achieve it?

What is a female orgasm, what is it like and how to achieve it?

Many representatives of the beautiful halfhumanity can not achieve harmony and satisfaction in their sexual life. Day after day, these women are left alone with the problem, afraid to share even with their beloved man. Thus, they drive themselves into depression, which sometimes ends in neurosis or even suicide. Chronic dissatisfaction can also spill over into regular family scandals, problems at work, etc. In this article, we will talk about what a female orgasm is and find out how to achieve it. So let's get started.


What is the female orgasm, we describe below.In the meantime, give him a definition. Orgasm is a complex psychophysiological process directly related to the brain. The discharge occurs due to the excitation of pleasure zones in it. And they, in turn, are included under the influence of impulses that come from the vagina.

what is female orgasm

Signs of a female orgasm

During discharge body activitythe girl and his individual parts recalls cramps. In some cases, it stretches and strains. Possible bending of the body into the bridge (with support on the heels and the back of the head) and raising the pelvis. At the same time, the eyes are closed, the jaws are clenched, and the arms are stretched and tense. In other cases, the body beats, twists, the head turns in different directions, legs and arms make random, sudden movements. All this is accompanied by certain sound phenomena (sighs, groans, moans, sobs, screams, cries, etc.). Sometimes incoherent phrases and separate words are pulled out. There is a spasm, that is, a sharp contraction of the muscles of the pelvis, perineum, uterus and vagina. Usually, a young girl (not giving birth) with well-developed muscles has 2-3 strong contractions, and then some weak, fading. In women aged (after childbirth) with weak muscles, only one strong spasm and 1-2 weak ones are possible. This is exactly what happens to a female orgasm (how to achieve the discharge of various types will be described below). By the way, all vaginal spasms are felt by the sexual member of the partner.

Also during true nipple discharge on the chestgirls increase in volume and harden. The combination of all the above signs and is an objective picture of the female orgasm. Of course, there is also a subjective feeling. But each representative of the beautiful half describes him in his own way.

What does a female orgasm look like?

Some girls note the feeling of intense heat indepth of the vagina and lower abdomen. Others talk about a kind of heat wave in these areas. Still others talk about the painful sweet spasm in the depths of the pelvis.

All described above refers to a simple type.female orgasm - physiological. This discharge occurs in 75% of women who have regular sex life. The most frequent type of orgasm is clitoral. Also there are combined types.

what does a female orgasm look like

Reasons for absence

So, we found out what a female orgasm is. Why not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can achieve it? Experts identify three main reasons:

  • Psychological. A woman is not located to a partner and does not feel a sense of security.
  • Physiological. Lack of orgasm may be due to anatomical changes (surgery, the postpartum period).
  • Technological. Sometimes, in order for a woman to get a discharge, a man must try hard.

There is another important nuance due to whichthere may be no female orgasm. Problems in achieving it can be directly related to the mood of the girl. According to psychologists, excessive efforts will lead to the fact that it simply disappears. The fair sex idealize not the preparation for the process, but above all the resulting pleasure and culmination.

Anatomical correspondence of the genital organs of the partners

This moment is given no less importance thanthe question of what a female orgasm is. Although in reality everything is very prosaic. For a full sex life, a man does not need a particularly large penis. As you know, women are capable of experiencing four types of orgasm, and for three of them (perineal, vaginal, clitoral), the size of the reproductive organ of the representative of the strong half of humanity has absolutely no value.

Only when the uterine discharge is neededa certain length. But this figure is very moderate, since for most girls the cervix is ​​shallow. There are no correlations between the size of the body of a woman and a man, in particular between the volume of the vagina and the length of the penis. Anatomical discrepancy occurs only in the case of severe pathology of the vagina (cicatricial contraction after burns, injuries, the usual underdevelopment). In all other cases, the female and male genitals are a functional adaptive system. That is, any vagina can both significantly stretch with a large penis size, and compress tightly, clutching a small male organ.

female orgasm how to reach

Clitoral orgasm

It used to be believed that it is characteristic onlyfor young girls. As they grew older, the orgasm “moved” to the vaginal area. However, in reality, the situation is different. People who understand the essence of female orgasm know that any girl can experience clitoral discharge. And it will not depend on her physique, age, etc.

Women who are characterized by this typedetentions, have difficulty achieving it at the usual position prevalent in Europe. This is due to the fact that the clitoris during frictions is practically unaffected. With standard intercourse, stimulation is achieved by the action of the back of the penis. But for contact it is necessary to introduce at an angle, namely from the top down.

This is possible if the clitoris is located nearbyfrom the entrance to the vagina (about 2.5 centimeters). With a greater distance, the penis simply will not reach it. The problem is solved by finding the optimal posture for the titilation (small monotonous irritating movements) of the clitoris with your finger. And this applies both to the period of preliminary caresses and sexual intercourse itself.

There are a lot of nerve endings in the clitoris head andblood vessels, so his hand stimulation must be very gentle and light. Sometimes it is useful to moisten a finger with a natural lubricant of the vagina or to use petroleum jelly. If the head of the clitoris is too sensitive, it is worth moving the caress higher - on the tail or body. Since these parts are located deeper, a sharp impact on them is more permissible. Women with whom the clitoral orgasm prevails, will not fit the coitus behind.

The most optimal will be the classical pose withshifting the legs after the start of the act. Then with each friction member will annoy the clitoris. In this case, partners can freely change places - a woman on top, a man on the bottom, and vice versa.

The objective sign of a clitoral orgasm is his erection (increase in size). Also significantly increases the temperature of the body.

Vaginal orgasm

При этом типе разрядки эрогенным полем является front wall of the vagina (more precisely, the first third). To achieve it, it is necessary to use a special technique: during frictions a man should press the head of the penis to the front wall of the female organ as much as possible. In addition, the special shallow tremors, which act exclusively on the lower part of the vagina, are also good.

Also, there are cases of combined discharge.This refers to the clitoral-vaginal female orgasm. How to reach it? If we consider the preliminary period of caresses, then the most effective simultaneous stimulation of the front wall of the vagina and clitoris with the hand. And during intercourse - a parallel effect on both zones with a hand or a member.

female vaginal orgasm

For any form of discharge it is necessary that the cavernousthe bodies were filled with blood. And the lower part of the vagina is just covering the muscles that are closely connected with them. Reducing them, the girl performs two functions: it strengthens the filling of her own cavernous bodies and makes it difficult for the blood to drain from the penis of the partner, creating additional pleasant sensations.

But the work of these muscles important for orgasm is notalways full. On the one hand, some women do not know how to use them, and on the other hand, there are girls who initially have low power. To solve this problem, sexologists recommend doing a special exercise: repeatedly compress the muscles of the vagina on a daily basis. If the girl does not know how to do this, then experts advise to retract the anus.

It is worth noting that female vaginal orgasm is achievable in any sexual position. We go further.

the essence of female orgasm

Uterine orgasm

Во время разрядки данного вида сокращения матки begin with its bottom, and then move to the lower segment and body. And the stronger they are, the more pleasure a girl gets. The study of the female orgasm of this type showed that it has a “suction effect”. That is, the cervix is ​​tight to the upper part of the vagina. Then everything returns to the starting position.

How to get a female orgasm of this type?This requires the stimulation of the cervix by the head of the penis. If the penis is not very long or, on the contrary, the vagina is too big, then you need to look for the necessary equipment. It is possible that the partner lies on his back, and the girl squats on top. Or a woman lies on her back, drawing her legs to her stomach, which significantly shortens the vagina.

The cervix with different types of abnormalitiesis not located in the rear arch, and "looking" forward. In order to “put it in its place”, it is necessary to change the posture, make a gynecological massage or do knee-elbow breathing exercises. Also in this case, we can recommend the position when the woman is lying on her side or on her stomach. Then the penis will not fall into the posterior fornix, namely, in the front.

If the girl is severely obese, thencoitus with her is possible only in the knee-elbow position (the same applies to a man with excessive weight). Another approach is the back position on the side. In this case, the partner's legs should be bent as much as possible in the hip joints.

That the girl reached the type described abovedischarge, the man must produce deep frictions by acting on the head of the penis on the posterior fornix of the vagina and the cervix. But do not be zealous! Strong blows to the neck are unacceptable.

female orgasm problems

Perineal orgasm

It is quite rare.Very few people know how this type of female orgasm happens. Nerve impulses come from the perineum when it is affected by vibration. Sometimes in women with this kind of relaxation, it occurs while riding a motorcycle (bicycle) or when riding a horse. In this case, the technique of coitus is the effect of the glans penis on the lower segment of the posterior vaginal wall.

Emotional orgasm

Данный вид разрядки всегда рассматривают отдельно from others. It is quite rare, and in both women and men. In fact, this orgasm is a complex psycho-emotional experience that unfolds on the basis of a more simple, elementary, physiological discharge. The probability of its occurrence depends on many factors. Among them: a person’s emotional makeup, level of general culture, ability to experience. It can be said that the quality and frequency of this orgasm are socially determined and depend on the general way of life of people. It is likely that in the era of romanticism or sentimentalism, psycho-emotional detente was more common.

female orgasm research

Imitation orgasm

It is observed in so many women.Imitating detente, the woman solves a number of some socio-psychological problems. If the girl considers herself "cold", she seeks to prove to the partner her own sexual usefulness. It is also important to her that he also felt his masculine consistency. A woman wants to prevent aggression (reprimands, reproaches) from the partner. She believes that a man can accuse her of detachment from sexual intercourse. In general, imitation of an orgasm is a difficult and responsible action for a girl. She attaches him quite a lot of importance. Although a man who knows what a female orgasm looks like will quickly see a bad actress. And imitation itself is an erroneous action.

Most of the tasks and problems listed arefacing the girl, you can solve the "open" and tactful way. Necessary communication and joint friendly search for shortcomings of sexual technology. This is the only way to find the best way to achieve the highest peak of pleasure for both partners.


Теперь вы знаете, что такое женский оргазм, и при If desired, you can easily achieve it. For the full disclosure of the topic it remains to find out another important point. How many women are able to experience orgasms in one sexual intercourse? Approximately 20% of girls have a need to get three or four discharges in a row during intercourse. This suggests that for them terms such as saturation and satisfaction, differ significantly. But there is nothing wrong with that.

Any orgasm brings satisfaction, but onlytheir combination promotes saturation. Thus, the need for discharge disappears. The sexologists called this phenomenon the “orgasmic series”. And it is absolutely normal. Although some men consider it a manifestation of either the disease or the depravity of a woman. A permanent partner or husband should be aware of the orgastic series of his half, and with this in mind build sexual relations.

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