/ / Potatoes Blue - variety features and rules of care

Potatoes Blue - variety features and rules of care

Potatoes contain carbohydrates, amino acids,vitamins and minerals. It is difficult to imagine our usual diet without this root. Nowadays, scientists have brought a lot of varieties of this vegetable for every taste. One of the best, for example, is the potato Bluehead. This variety is included in the list of breeding achievements of Russia.

The main characteristics of the variety

The plant is not sprawling, of medium height, but quite voluminous. The leaves have a dark green shade and do not lose their saturated color for a long time. Bloom has a white and purple hue.

blue potatoes

Сам корнеплод имеет сетчатую кожуру и тупую the top. The average weight of 1 potato is 150 grams. Potato Blue has white flesh. On the surface there are small eyes. This variety is characterized by a high starch content and crumbly structure during preparation. This root produces excellent mashed potatoes and fries.

Advantages of the variety

It is worth noting that the variety of potatoes Blue has several advantages.

  • Potatoes are resistant to most diseases.
  • It is characterized by a slow process of decay, therefore it is very convenient in storage, especially if the temperature is from 2 to 4 degrees.
  • It has good drought resistance.
  • High yield varieties. With proper processing and care, the harvest is up to 1500 kg per hundred.
  • Potato blueness grows well even in wet soil.
  • Significant resistance to low temperatures.

Terms and conditions of planting potatoes

The first May decade is considered the mosta favorable time for planting potatoes blue. 6-7 degrees - the minimum allowable threshold for soil temperature. Tubers are well accepted in this temperature regime, and are most susceptible to fertilizer. If you plant potatoes Blue later, it can be poorly stored or not mature at all. At higher ground temperatures, the tubers will be more susceptible to nitrates.

blue potato variety

A large potato can be cut before planting, it will not affect the quality of the crop.

Blue, like any other variety, sage in two ways: ridge and ridge. If you live in arid areas, it is better to stay on the first option, in the wet - on the second.

From the Colorado potato beetle and phytophthora, the crop must be processed 3-4 times per season.

Harvest is best in the second half of August or in early September. Two weeks before the harvest you need to cut the tops.

Breeders tried to grow thisthe variety was available in any locality, and it was unpretentious in handling and care, and also had excellent taste, appearance and long-term storage.

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