In our country, summer residents and truck farmers grow many new, resistant to unfavorable conditions of crops. One of them is sort of potato "Yanka". About it will be discussed in the article.
Belarus has always been considered a "trendsetter"in matters of potato cultivation. And, consequently, new varieties, bred by breeders of this country, are always popular among gardeners of our country.
One such variety is potatoes "Yanka" (description of the variety, photo, reviews are presented below), derived relatively recently. In the State Register of Russia this culture was introduced only 5 years ago. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the central and north-western regions of the country.
Before the beginning of cultivation of the presented culture, it is necessary to consider characteristics, reviews about the potato variety "Yanka". It has a lot of advantages. The potato belongs to the middle-classes, it has a dining destination.
The period of ripening is slightly more than one and a halfmonths. Culture has an upright bush of medium size. He has sparsely sprouting shoots. Medium-sized leaves are characterized by a light green tint. They have wavy edges. Corolla consists of small white flowers. They quickly fall off.
"Yanka" is distinguished by a powerful, stableadverse effects of the root system. Under each bush, usually about a dozen tubers are formed. Among them there are very few small and spoiled fruits. Tubers are oval in shape. They are covered with a thin skin of yellow color. Superficial eyes are small. The average weight of potatoes is about one hundred grams. The flesh is characterized by a beige cream color. The variety contains many nutritional components.
Considering description of the Yanka potato variety", It should be noted that it has a good indicator of yield. From a hectare you can collect an average of 36 tons. Yield depends on the composition of the soil, as well as the conditions of growth, quality of care.
"Yanka" has good marketability andmechanical stability. When harvesting, the amount of intact fruits in the total mass is 81-94%. Well transported and stored. In winter, about 4% of root crops are lost. They do not germinate for a long time.
The potato of the presented variety has an increasedresistance to diseases and pests. It is for this reason that in our country "Yanka" is cultivated massively. For the prevention of potato "sick" it is recommended to treat the tubers before planting. Also irrigate the soil with disinfectants. To avoid the appearance of bacteria on the leaves, stems and fruits, it is necessary to spray the planting with preparations containing copper.
Potato variety "Yanka""Has a pleasant taste.It is remembered by its rich aroma after cooking. The starch content is average, so when cutting and preparing the tubers do not darken, do not boil. After heat treatment, they become soft and crumbly. They can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Potatoes, among other things, are suitable for freezing. From it make chips and freeze puree.
Potato variety "Yanka" unpretentious to the choice of soils. However, it grows best on light, fertile soils. To increase the yield, it is necessary to make compositions with a low content of nitrogen components.
Land for planting is prepared in the autumn.As soon as relatively warm weather is established in the spring, if necessary, re-excavate the field, clearing it of weeds. Plant tubers can be nested, trench method. The surface must be level. You can also create ridges, ridges.
For planting, tubers of medium size are selected.The material should not have traces of disease or damage. Cut the potatoes before planting is not necessary. Tubers give the first shoots at a temperature of +11 degrees. Also, the plant requires high-quality lighting. Directly does not like the sunlight.
Plant tubers when the soil is completelywarm up. In prepared pits or trenches lay humus mixed with wood ash. If the climate is dry enough, it is necessary to retain moisture in the soil. It may also be necessary to cover the shoots, protecting them from recurrent frosts. To do this, mulching with sawdust, straw. You can use other natural components of this type.
Twice or thrice a season the plants will need to be hilled. During processing, high ridges form above the bush. The last hilling should be done before the shoots begin to droop.
With a low level of soil fertilityit is recommended to make mineral-type bait in it. For a decade before harvesting, plants can be treated with a solution of superphosphate. This method of feeding will increase the weight of tubers. In this case, they will not accumulate nitrates.
The tubers of potatoes are covered with a thin but strongthe skin. It protects them from damage when hand-held. When grown on an industrial scale, resistance to damage allows the harvesters to use harvesters with different types of seizure. Before the beginning of the storage period, the tubers should be dried thoroughly.
Potato variety "Yanka", by reference truck farmers, is very promising.He is known for his unpretentiousness to weather conditions, undemanding to the soil. Potatoes are also easy to clean. It is famous for its excellent taste.
The variety is resistant to many pests and diseases, which allows using fewer chemicals to combat them. Increases the environmental friendliness of products.
Having examined the characteristics of the Yanka potato variety, one can estimate the mass of its advantages. This is a good option for growing on a private garden and on an industrial scale.