/ Vineta is a sort of potato. Description, photo

Vineta is a sort of potato. Description, photo

Today it is already impossible to imagine the absence ofRussian cuisine of such a product as potatoes. Appeared in Russia by historical standards, more recently, it rightfully took second place after bread, both in importance and demand for Russian consumers.

wine variety of potatoes
The mere fact that the main crop of thisroot crops are grown not on farmer or sovkhoz fields, but in individual farms, shows how important this product is to humans. The active use of potatoes in food stimulates and grandiose selection discoveries. But, despite the emergence of all new varieties, many are still in demand and loved by already proven. This is what Vineta is, a sort of potato that was bred for more than a quarter of a century ago. About him and will be discussed in this article.

A bit of history

The product of the famous German breeding, varietyVineta is a canteen, which means successful overcoming in the process of development of a number of different laboratory-field studies and compliance with the world standard requirements. Note that when creating a variety of Vineta was really carried out a huge selection work. In this potato culture, the most valuable qualities inherent in the ideal product are concentrated. Variety of potatoes Vineta, photo and description of which are presented in the publication, is unique and at the same time unpretentious.

potatoes sort of vineta description
In Russia, it is cultivated only from the beginningbut during this time, thanks to its high taste and ease of care, the variety became extremely popular and even acquired fans who prefer dishes from it to all other varieties of potatoes. Since 2002, the culture has been included in the State Register of Variety Plants in Russia.

Potatoes, grade Vineta: description

Tubers of a plant with a pulp of characteristic creamor yellow color are enclosed in a peel only on tone darker and covered by hardly appreciable gentle mesh. The shape of root crops is round-oval, slightly oblong. The average weight of the tubers varies from 70 to 95 g, the maximum weight of the tuber reaches 130-140 g. The special pride of breeders is small, almost imperceptible eyes, and in addition, the lack of flaws both outside and inside the tuber. In them there are no cracks, darkening or any other defects. The content of starchy substances is 13-15%.

potato variety winta reviews

Vineta is a potato variety that forms an erectspreading a large bush, reaching 0.7 meters. The leaves are light green with a slight waviness along the edge. Flowers - small, with traditionally white corolla. A distinctive feature is the friendly formation of almost one-dimensional tubers. On one bush they are formed 10-12 pieces. The yield of commodity root crops is very high and reaches 97%.

Characteristics of the variety

Vineta is a sort of early maturing potato. He has a whole list of advantages, such as:

• Early maturity - the vegetative period is 70-75 days from the moment of planting, but 45-50 days after germination, a young crop can be harvested;

• high yield - Vineta gives stable-rich harvests, from one hectare it is collected up to 400 centners;

• Excellent drought tolerance, which has already been evaluated by vegetable growers in the Central Asian regions, where seasonal rains do not spoil vegetable growers;

• Excellent taste qualities;

• resistance to mechanical damage;

• good curing capacity, reaching 90%, which is rare for early species to boast.

Pay special attention to the taste characteristicsvariety. On a five-point scale, the taste of this vegetable reaches a score of 4.3 points, considered very high. Cream yellow flesh Vinety is famous for not changing the color even after heat treatment, and the fried slices do not crumble and keep the shape well. When cooking, the average friability of the tuber is observed. The most common application of this potato is deep-frying and frying.

Resistance to diseases

One of the significant advantages of the described varietyare enviable resistance to traditional species diseases and a high level of resistance to many pests that complicate the growth of Solanaceous cultures.

sort of potato wine photo and description
So, Vineta is a sort of potato that is circumventedside such misfortunes as potato golden nematode, wrinkled and banded mosaic, black leg, cancer, brown spot, viral twisting of leaves, etc. Such immunity to various pathogens significantly facilitates the care of growers in vegetable growing.

The only exception is late blight, a serious disease capable of destroying many species from the Solanaceae family. Variety Vineta is moderately susceptible to this disease.


Potatoes - Vineta's variety, testimonials of experiencedvegetable growers about which unites the common opinion that it is really promising - has significant advantages and does not require additional protective treatments, unpretentious and drought-resistant.

The main caring activities areweed removal and loosening of the soil. As a rule, before the flowering of potatoes, the hilling is done twice: the first time after the sprouted shoots reach 15-20 cm, and the second one after 1.5-2 weeks after the first one. Hilling is a very effective procedure, increasing the aeration of the soil and increasing air access to tied root crops. During the whole vegetation period, the ridges with the planted potatoes must be weeded, removing the weed grass and fragments of its roots.

Features of the variety

A characteristic feature of Vinety is independence from the agrotechnical and climatic conditions of the area.

wine variety potatoes photo
The same stable high yield thisthe vegetable shows on any kind of soil, but it must be taken into account that the excess nitrogen in them affects the properties of the potato in a poorer way: the development and maturation of the tubers slows down, and the yield is preserved, that is, the keeping quality is significantly reduced.

So, Vineta is a sort of potato (see photo in the review), which is close to ideal, not subject to various viral and infectious diseases and having high taste qualities.

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