/ Luck potatoes: characteristic of the variety. Photos, reviews, description

Potato Luck: characteristic of the variety. Photos, reviews, description

Almost all gardeners are planted on theirplots of potatoes. This root is easy to grow and does not require special care. In addition, the potatoes are well kept, which allows him to be a guest on our table all winter - fried and boiled, as well as ingredients of many dishes we know.

potato luck character variety

However, although it is easy to grow it, the resultnot always fully satisfy gardeners. Sometimes root crops spoil the pests, sometimes they are exposed to diseases, and the yield of some varieties leaves much to be desired.

What grade will be a good choice

So that your landings will always please you, you need toresponsibility to approach the choice of varieties. High quality seed potatoes - the key to obtaining a large crop. It is worth paying attention to the potato Luck. The characteristic of the variety, which we give below, will allow you to understand that this is the best choice. These root crops will suit any summer resident who dreams of high yields of potatoes.

potato variety luck

Thanks to the fruitful and most importantly successful workdomestic breeders in the Russian market appeared potato variety Luck. It belongs to the early ripe and, not least, this root crop is adapted not to one type of soil, but to several.

The appearance of the bush

If you compare a bush of this variety with other speciespotato, it is rather average in height. It produces a lot of leaves, so the bush seems very lush. The leaf itself on the shoot is a little dull, deep dark green color. His flowers are white, the petals on them are strongly bent down.

Appearance and characteristics of the root

luck potato description

The tubers of this potato variety are round,Sylla elongated shape. The surface of the root is smooth to the touch with creamy-white thin skin - this is another positive factor that distinguishes Luck potato. The characteristic of a variety of another type of potato very often indicates that the tubers have a dense and sufficiently thick skin.

The surface of the potato is covered with very small shoots, but they are few, and the appearance of the tuber does not deteriorate. The pulp of the root is dense, white.

Studies have shown that in the composition of the rootThis variety contains from 12% to 14% starch. Taste is another nuance for which Luck-potato is famous. Responses of summer residents and consumers only confirm that they are on top.

Properly choose the tubers for planting

First we decide what tubers you need.leave for landing. It is not necessary to select only the smallest potatoes. Most often, the small size of the tuber indicates the defeat of his disease or a virus. If you leave only such root crops for planting, then over time, the potato variety Luck will degenerate, and will no longer be distinguished by either high yields or excellent taste.

We sprout tubers

potato luck photo

Be sure to pay attention to how longat a tuber sprouts. Root crops are germinated for fifteen to twenty days. The temperature in the room should be at least + 10 ° C, but not more than 15 ° C. Be sure to have ambient lighting and fresh air. In such conditions, the shoots reached the ideal length. If, however, germinate tubers longer, then too long shoots can break off when planting.

Before planting, roots can be processed by any special means. But you should not chase the novelties, it is better to resort to long-tried and proven drugs.

Ideal time for landing

good luck potatoes reviews

You can not designate a term that fitsfor all the latitudes of our country. For each climatic conditions it is different. How to determine that it is time to plant potatoes Luck? The characteristic of the variety suggests that the ideal soil temperature for tubers is from + 10 ° C and higher. There is a certain period of time during which root crops can be planted - from the beginning of the blooming of birch buds to the end of the flowering of the bird cherry trees.

We are planting potatoes

To planting was not to you, you can use garden monoblocks, which accurately and very quickly perform all the work.

Высокой урожайности можно достигнуть, если между in rows to withstand a distance of 70 centimeters. The tubers are located at a distance of 20-25 centimeters. Of course, for later varieties, the distance should be increased, but now we want Luck potato to grow in our garden. Characteristic varieties, as we have said - early maturing. The root depth of planting - 5-7 centimeters. With such a slight deepening of the tubers, a loose and warm soil layer remains under them, and due to this the roots of the plant begin to develop rapidly. With deeper styling, saplings may lack the required amount of oxygen or just freeze.

Do not roll the soil after you have planted potatoes. It is better to blow it using a rake. This will allow the plants to get enough moisture.

Description of the advantages of the variety

potato luck photo

This variety is not for nothing called Luck.Potatoes, the description of the benefits of which you read in this part of the article, will really be your best choice. Why? What is the secret of its popularity?

  1. This variety is resistant to drought and frost.It is practically not subject to such diseases as late blight, wrinkled mosaic, common scab, wet rot and rhizoctoniosis, unlike many other varieties. This quality of Luck potato will allow you to save quite well, since you will not have to purchase special expensive preparations for its processing.
  2. Если создать в помещении правильные условия для storing tubers, they will lie for a very long time. At the same time, root crops will not germinate and will not rot, which means that you will be provided with them for the whole winter period.
  3. Excellent presentation is another plus thatPotato Luck possesses. The photo above confirms this. At least 88% of the resulting crop looks great. If you grow these roots for further sale, then you will have high profits.
  4. He landed early, and hence the harvestharvested much earlier than with other varieties of potatoes. This is also an important factor for those who sell this product. After all, this product gets on the shelves much earlier than others.
  5. Proper care will ensure high yields. Up to one and a half tons of product can be obtained from one hectare of the summer cottage.
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