Plants are called to give a man not only a shadow, food, aesthetic pleasure, but also a natural pharmacy that treats a variety of diseases, giving joy and health for many years.
Rhodiola rosea is one of such miraculous plants, around which in the old days many legends were created.
Nominated in the people "golden root", rhodiolapink is just shrouded in secrets and beliefs. For example, in Altai, it was believed that the person who finds it, will be successful and healthy. Chinese rulers equipped him with numerous expeditions, and the smugglers, as a very great value, smuggled this plant secretly across the border.
Places where the rhodiola rose grows, were carefully concealed in the Altai, while the methods of its use were inherited, and sometimes they left together with the owner of the secret to the grave.
Specially equipped expeditions thatwent to the forest for a golden root, returned empty-handed. The botanists did not know what the rhodiola rose looks like, and passed calmly. And found it in 1961 in the deep Altai taiga place, at an altitude of almost 3000 meters Professor G. Krylov.
And since then, the study of the properties of thiscurative plants. It turned out that the golden root is just a storehouse of microelements and nutrients. Rhodiola root contains essential oils and tannins, phosphorus, iron, manganese, magnesium, antimony, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, and in its ground part - stems and leaves - there are tartaric and malic acids.
For medicinal raw materials, the root of this plant is used, from which it smells like rose oil. Apparently, that's why he was named so.
Rhizomes are harvested from the beginning of the flowering seasonplants until the final maturation of its fruits. Healing roots should be dried in the shade, without exposure to sunlight and after that they can be stored for up to two years.
Rhodiola rosea is very active in combatingweakening of the human body, tones it, drives away fatigue, relieves nervous tension. But its most wonderful property is to increase the mental and overall physical performance of a person.
Altaians, who have long been aware of the wonderful properties of the golden root, use it in the form of tea simply to be healthy.
Today in all pharmacies sold liquid extractgold root, which is prepared on 40% alcoholic infusion, from the ratio of one to ten, which should be taken twenty drops at three doses per day.
Medical scientific research of miraculousThe properties of rhodiola were carried out on people who are engaged in hard work, which requires high mental tension. The results surpassed all expectations: people taking the extract did not feel drowsy, did not suffer from headaches and irritability, they had much less difficulty both in study and at work. Under the influence of rhodiola rose extract, memory and attention were raised in humans. A tincture of rhodiola helps patients with hypotension normalize blood pressure.
However, one should not abuse excessive receptionof this plant, because the overdose of the infusion and extract on the second day will not only not help, but even harm the general state of health, causing insomnia, irritability and unpleasant sensations. Do not drink the golden root and hypertensive crisis.
Golden root or in a different way Rhodiola roseais a decorative edible plant. From its roots are prepared healing compotes, kissels, herbal teas of various formulations, and young leaves are very tasty in salads and soups.
This root can be harvested for the winter and used when there is a noticeable lack of trace elements and a decrease in the charge of vivacity.