/ Ankle joints: damage. Ligaments of the ankle are damaged: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Ankle joints: damage. Ligaments of the ankle are damaged: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Ankle joint, anatomical pointview, has the most complex structure. And this idea of ​​nature is completely amenable to a logical explanation. After all, it is this part of the leg that is assigned to a very important - supporting - function, with which the joint copes perfectly. But if everything is so good, then why is the ankle ligament injury a diagnosis, which the traumatologist most often puts to his patients?

Damage to the ankle ligament

Anatomy of the ankle

Образован голеностопный сустав таранной костью и bones of the lower leg and has a block-shaped form. The angle of its mobility at extension and bending reaches 90 °. Both on the outer and inner sides it is strengthened with ligaments. Internal, which in medicine is known as deltoid or medial, connective tissue of the ankle is located from the medial malleolus towards the heel, ram and scaphoid bone. Outwardly, its shape is as close as possible to the triangle.

А вот что касается наружных связок голеностопного joint, then there are three. They all come from the tibia, with two of them attached to the ram and one to the calcaneus. It is due to their location that they are called the posterior and anterior talon-fibular and heel-fibrous ligaments.

The age characteristic feature of this joint is its mobility. And in adults it is more mobile in the direction of the plantar surface, in the children - in the rear side of the foot.

Trauma ankle - the problem of athletes or ailment, lying in wait for anyone?

Do not think that the ligament damagean ankle joint - a problem only for athletes who subject their body to great physical stress. After all, of the total number of traumatology patients diagnosed with this condition, only 15-20% were injured during training. It is simply impossible to classify the rest by age group, occupation or gender. And this is quite logical, since any person can stumble, make a sharp wrong move, turn a leg or just unsuccessfully jump off the step.

It is often enough to diagnose ligament damageankle joint and modern "women of fashion", for whom beauty is significantly higher in the list of priorities than convenience and health. They choose shoes, being guided not by the criterion of comfort and correctness of foot fixation, but by price, heel height, color or trend of fashion. Such improperly selected accessories of a women's wardrobe, suitable for a handbag, dress or eye color, often cause injury, the name of which, according to medical terminology, is a ligament injury of the ankle joint.

As for the children, they suffer from thisailment is also not so rare. After all, small fidgets are in constant movement. In addition, their joints and bone tissues have not yet fully grown, so they are easily traumatized.

ankle ligament damage photo

Who should be careful of ankle damage?

Not always damage the ligaments of the ankleThe joint is the result of only injuries. In 20-25%, as medical practice shows, the doctors call the anatomical predisposition and chronic diseases the causes of the ailment. The most common injury of connective tissue is fixed in people with high supination, or the arch of the foot, with different lengths of limbs, as well as those who suffer from the weakness of the ligament apparatus, muscle imbalance and various neuromuscular disorders.

Therefore, everyone who is included in this category of risk should be especially careful about the choice of shoes, clearly dose the physical load on the musculoskeletal system.

First-degree ligament ruptures

Depending on the severity of the damageconnective tissue disease is divided into three main degrees. To the first, and easiest, carry a break of single fibers, which does not violate the stability of the joint. In this case, the victim experiences pain of low intensity, which can be removed with analgesics in the form of tablets and ointments. At the site of injury there may be a slight swelling, but the manifestations of hyperemia are completely absent.

Clinical manifestations of the second degree of injury

If a person has damage to the ligaments of the leftankle joint (or right) of the second degree, the symptoms will be more vivid. The victim experiences a rather strong pain syndrome, weak bruises and bruises appear on the skin. Such a partial rupture of the ligament does not violate the stability of the joint, however, a person practically cannot walk with trauma.

damage to the ankle ligament consequences

Symptoms characteristic of the third degree of damage

The third degree of injury is connectivestructures have the right to be called the heaviest. After all, such damage to the ligaments of the right ankle (or the left - is not important) implies a complete rupture of all fibers without exception. The characteristic symptoms are acute pain of a high degree of intensity, impaired motor function, as well as instability of the joint itself. In addition, subcutaneous hemorrhages of various sizes immediately appear at the site of the injury, after some time a strong swelling joins.

Should I refuse medical care?

Не смотря на то что первые две степени injuries of the ankle ligaments do not belong to the category of severe and do not require specific treatment, a medical examination will not be superfluous. After all, the pain of moderate intensity, swelling and hyperemia are symptoms not only of damage to the connective tissues. This clinical picture is also characteristic of fractures and fractures of bone tissue, the treatment of which is best carried out under the supervision of doctors. Therefore, it is so important that the specialist clearly diagnosed the injury and prescribed an appropriate course of therapy.

Note also that even if a person has a partialdamage to the ankle ligaments, he needs professional advice - this will speed up the healing process. Therefore, regardless of the degree of injury to connective tissues, you should not refuse professional medical care.

how to treat ankle ligament damage

First aid for ankle rupture

Если при повреждении соединительной ткани был there is a crunch or crackle, there is almost no doubt that there was a rupture of the bundle fibers. In addition, in this case, any movement that the victim is trying to make is accompanied by acute pain, and a swelling or bruise immediately appears at the site of injury. To improve the condition of the patient before the doctor examines him, it is necessary to provide first aid to the injured.

First, immediately immobilizedamaged limb. The patient should be seated, and it is better to lay so that the ankle is above the level of the heart. This situation will allow, if there was a complete damage to the ankle ligament, to prevent internal hemorrhage.

Damage to the ankle ligament effects

Secondly, in the area of ​​damage should be donecold compress, and it is better to attach pieces of ice. Then, the patient is given an anesthetic drug and decide how to deliver it to the nearest emergency room. If damage to the ankle ligaments (the symptoms are described above) is accompanied by severe hyperemia, intolerable pain and extensive edema, it is best to call an ambulance. The doctors immediately put a splint on the leg and take the patient to the hospital where they will carry out a full diagnosis.

Treatment of damage to the ligaments of the first degree

Травма такой степени тяжести, как правило, не requires medical treatment. The main essence of the process is to fix the damaged joint and receive painkillers, if needed. In other words, a patient diagnosed with ankle joint ligament damage of the first degree can continue to lead a normal life. However, doctors during the recovery period recommend, if possible, to reduce physical exertion, and apply a tight bandage on the damaged joint.

As a rule, after 10-12 days, complete recovery occurs.

damage to the ligaments of the left ankle

How are second-degree ligament injuries treated?

Лечение травм второй степени тяжести займет significantly more time than sprain. In addition, during this period, the patient should not only limit physical exertion, but also undergo a course of complex therapy, which will help to recover soon after such a violation as damage to the ankle ligaments. The consequences of the disease, with strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor, will not bother the patient, but self-treatment in such situations can cause many problems, and even after a few years, the person will not be able to forget about the injury.

As a rule, with partial tearing of connectivethe ankle tissues of the patient for 3 weeks impose a plaster splint, fixing the leg. To relieve pain, an anesthetic is prescribed in tablet form. It may be one of such drugs as Nurofen, Ibuprofen, or Ketorol. From the third day of treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures can be activated, accelerating the healing process.

ankle ligament damage treatment

Ligament damage of the third degree: features of therapy

You should know that if the doctor has determined thatthe patient has complex damage to the ankle ligaments, the treatment will take at least 5-6 weeks. It should also be said that it is carried out in a hospital, as it requires surgery, in which broken connective tissues are stitched, blood is pumped out of the joint, after which Novocaine or other similar drugs are injected into its cavity.

After surgery on the patient's leg for 3-5 weeksimpose a plaster and prescribe a course of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. From 3-4 days of treatment, complex therapy includes physiotherapeutic procedures that improve blood supply in the places of injury and stimulate the protective functions of the organism as a whole.

damage to the ankle ligaments

Consequences of ankle injuries

Говорить о том, что повреждение связок the ankle joint (photos of damaged areas placed on the stands at the traumatologist's office scare many patients, which is understandable) is always fraught with serious complications, is wrong. After all, the treatment started in time and the observance of all the doctor’s prescriptions allow to fully restore the connective tissue. The exceptions are those cases when patients ignore the recommendations of specialists or are treated independently, exclusively with the help of traditional medicine. The consequence of such carelessness and irresponsible attitude to their health most often becomes instability of the ankle joint. And this can cause re-injury of connective and bone tissue.

Therefore, before treating damage to the ankle ligaments, the patient should clearly understand that his health depends on adherence to medical recommendations during the period of therapy and rehabilitation.

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