/ / Decrease in pressure by folk remedies for hypertension

Reduction of pressure by folk remedies in hypertension

Hypertension (hypertension) - chronica disease that manifests itself by constant high blood pressure. In a healthy person for a day, blood pressure can then go up and down. High blood pressure can have many causes, for example: diet, body weight, smoking and drinking alcohol and so on. It is known that hypertensive disease affects many teachers and those who work is associated with a constant nervous overload and stress.

Hypertension has other symptoms, which,depend on the stage of the disease. It is more serious to treat such symptoms as: dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, impaired vision and sleep, increased sweating. These symptoms can be mistaken for normal fatigue, but when checking the blood pressure indicators, it turns out that it is here that the "dog is buried". You can remove symptoms with tablets, but also, you can effectively reduce pressure by folk remedies.

The exacerbation of hypertensive disease is not sooften, which leads to the wrong conclusion that the disease should not be treated, it is easier to take a pill that will quickly remove all the symptoms, but in fact, everything is not so simple. Taking a medication will, of course, eliminate the symptoms, but you also need to adjust all the risk factors, which means that you need to be more outdoors, have more rest, adhere to a certain diet. It is also good if the treatment will be supported by folk remedies. Decrease in pressure should occur in a timely manner - this is not to be doubted, since at high blood pressure the heart works with a huge load. One can not overlook the fact that high blood pressure affects the vessels that wear out faster, which leads to cardiovascular diseases. According to statistics, most of the strokes and heart attacks occur in people with hypertension. Let us consider how pressure is reduced by popular means.

Traditional medicine has always been popular, withdeep antiquity people used the healing power of minerals, plants and other gifts of nature. Reducing the pressure of folk remedies has always been relevant, but it is worth recalling that the consultation of a doctor, when choosing a particular remedy does not hurt. To prevent and treat hypertension, you can use nettles. Juice, infusion or decoction of nettle has a beneficial effect on the blood condition, a gradual decrease in pressure occurs. At home, you can make a tincture from the roots or dry leaves of the nettle, but the nettle's juice acts best, take it three times a day for 1, 5 tablespoons. Well-influenced by the neuro-vascular system compotes, infusions of fruits of the viburnum, which need to grind, before pouring boiling water. Water pour two tablespoons of berries on the basis of one glass of boiling water. Since the berries taste specific, they can be drunk with the addition of honey. Kalina is also good for strengthening cardiac work and reducing pressure.

People's remedies are very practical,because they certainly are in your house. For example, garlic and onions will help to quickly reduce pressure. Garlic should be taken with food one tooth a day, and fresh onions and even more often. Cranberry juice, in equal amounts mixed with beet juice in hypertensive illness, relieves spasms in the vessels, increases the strength and elasticity of the walls of the vessels, reduces the headache, and reduces pressure.

Lemons, oranges, kiwi, walnuts -thanks to vitamins and potassium (in kiwi), promote the normalization of increased blood pressure. Kiwifruit for a greater effect should be eaten three times a day, and nuts enough one hundred grams.

Well on the body as a whole is influenced by the collections of herbs:hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and cumin. Herbs are sold in pharmacies, their purchase will not cause trouble. Such a collection removes the spasms of blood vessels. For a richer taste, add the hips and brew in a thermos.

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