/ / Why do you have big toes?

Why do you have big toes?

Many people complain that they hurt big toes. The causes of discomfort can be the mostvarious, starting with trauma or ordinary callus and ending with arthrosis and chronic diseases. In any case, ignore the pain is not necessary, especially if it tortures you constantly. In such situations it is better to seek medical help as soon as possible.

big toes hurt

Довольно часто причиной может быть затвердевшая skin on the side surface of the nail. Such areas are formed as a result of the accumulation of dead cells of the epithelium. This problem is faced by many people who do not take care of the skin of the legs, and also wear uncomfortable or too tight shoes. With this it is easy to cope, using emollients, as well as warm baths.

Unfortunately, not always the causes of discomfort are so harmless. Here are just some of the most common prerequisites:

  • For example, pain in the big toes can beare caused by the growth of the plate in the skin of the nail roller. Such a phenomenon can be caused by nail traumas, their uneven and short haircut, wearing uncomfortable shoes, etc. In any case, the ingrown plate is accompanied by pain, redness and swelling of the tissues. Often, this problem is associated with a secondary infection, resulting in a patch of suppuration. With this you need to go to the doctor - self-medication here you can hardly achieve the result.
  • При артрозе сустава также болят большие пальцы на feet. And with a similar problem most often encounter female representatives. These statistics are associated primarily with the constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes with a narrow toe and high hairpin, which leads to deformation of the joint of the affected finger.
    pains in the big toes
  • А вот представители мужского пола более склонны к a disease called gout. The disease is accompanied by a violation of normal kidney function and the deposition of uric acid crystals inside the joint, which, of course, leads to discomfort and soreness during walking.
  • If the joint of the big toe hurts, it cantestify to the development of arthritis. It is accompanied by pain, redness and swelling of the skin. In case of illness, inflammation occurs, which occurs both at the point of disruption of the joint nutrition, and because of the infection.
  • Sore thumbs on the legs and in people,suffering from flat feet. The fact that the deformation of the foot leads to a redistribution of body weight, as a result of which some joints are subjected to heavy loads. With this problem can only help an orthopedic doctor - he will pick up shoes.
  • In some cases, pain is associated with a violationnormal blood circulation, which leads to deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues. Pathology is usually accompanied by numbness, cooling of the fingers, as well as pain that increases with physical activity. Violation of blood flow can be the result of atherosclerosis, diabetes, smoking, etc.
    sore joint of the big toe

In any case, it is worth remembering that if you haveperiodically hurt your toes, then do not ignore this symptom - be sure to make an appointment with a doctor. After all, the treatment started in time will help prevent the development of complications.

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